Chapter Fourty-one

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“So they'll be arrested tomorrow?” I enquired, adjusting my head on Nathan's chest.

He ran his hand over my bare breast and played with my nipple absentmindedly. “Yeah. Then the court will give us a date, but I don't think it'll be too long before they're convicted. I want them in jail as soon as possible.”

I let out a breathy noise as he began of lay kisses on my neck, his hand travelling to my core. He moved so he was hovering above me and dipped a finger in. Squirming under him, I pushed my knees up and put a leg around his waist, moaning loudly.

“Darling, you're going to wake Oliver if you don't quiet down.” He told me huskily, his finger moving in and out of me.

Distracted by the pleasure, I nodded as another loud cry escaped my lips.

“Shh.” He reminded me as his lips met my neck again, kissing a spot that always had me arching my back.

“I thought we were done for tonight.” I feigned a protest but ran my fingers through his hair.

“I brought two condoms out for a reason, Love.”


I hummed along to the song playing from the radio, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel as I drove to Ivy's house. Checking my rear view mirror when I got to a red light, I made sure no strange car was following me before the light turned green and I continued on my way.

It's been a week since the incident with the watch. After that day, Nathan sped up his efforts to get Christopher convicted. We found the watch the day after, well, Nathan said we should find it so it can be used as evidence in the case but the listening device was disabled and we kept it far from our room.

Since that day, I've been looking over my shoulder none stop. I was worried that Christopher, no doubt knowing I didn't do what he said, would attack me or send someone to do it. I carried a taser in my purse for my protection and in the last week I've barely been out of the house. I only went out to pick Oliver up from school.

Nathan noticed this and forced me to call Ivy so we could spend some time together. He said it was unhealthy to be so 'paranoid'. I'm not paranoid just cautious.

Ivy lived in a condo in a pretty secure part of town and was excited when I told her I wanted to come over. She was already outside her door by the time I pulled into her driveway.

She greeted me with an excited hug and led me inside her home. It was a very modern place, almost reminded me of my house but without the tech stuff.

“So how are you and Nathan doing?” She asked me, placing a drink in front of me.

Just thinking about him made me smile. “We're doing good. What about you, do you have any man in your life yet, Ivy?”

She scoffed. “All the men I've met are terrible. Have you ever tried casual conversation with a lawyer? All they do is argue.” I failed at stifling my laugh. “Honestly, all he did all night was argue with me about whether fashion is a good career. I mean seriously, he kept saying how he worked at this big ass law firm and that a designer could never get to where he is and make as much money as him. You know the funny thing, he was wearing an Armani suit.”

I nearly spat out my drink bursting into laughter.

“When I had enough,” she continued. “I told him that if the person that made his suit thought like that then he'd be walking around butt naked. I was pretty sure his underwear would be from Calvin Klein.”

I shook my head at her as laughs escaped me. “And you just sat there after?”

“No!” She scoffed. “I walked out on him and I'm pretty sure other people there heard what I said 'cause most of them were close to spitting out their drinks.”

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