Chapter Thirty-eight

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Jodie? She's Jodie? Oliver's mother? What is she here for?

“What are you doing here?!” Nathan went from shocked to shaking with anger in just a few seconds.

“Nice to see you again, Nathan.” She said, completely ignoring his question.

“GET OUT!” His sudden outburst startled Oliver and I.

I felt Oliver bury his face into my legs. I put a reassuring hand on his head and ran my hand through his hair. This is the angriest I've ever seen Nathan and to be honest, I was scared. His teeth were clenched so hard I thought they wound break and I was sure his nails were about to break the skin of his palms with the how tight those fists looked.

“I came for my son and I'm not leaving till I get him!” She declared stubbornly.

My reassuring hold on Oliver turned protective instantly. The boy picked his head up and turned to her, an innocent look on his face. He slowly detached himself from my leg so he was facing her fully.

“You're my mommy?” He spoke softly, his voice breaking slightly.

The way she smiled was off. It looked like she was more proud of herself to be called his mom than she was happy to see him. “Yes darling, I'm your mom, come to mommy.”

She stretched her hand out for him. When he didn't move and inch towards her she took a step closer to him and that set Oliver off.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!” We all drew back surprised at his outburst.

Jodie was the first to recover from her shock. “I don't know what you've been taught but you do not speak to your mother this way.”

Did she just yell at him? She must be looking for a beating.

“You're not my mother!” His voice cracked again and I knew he'd be crying soon.

Before any of us could say anything, he ran up the stairs probably to his room. Nathan went after him, signaling for me to stay with Jodie. She moved to follow Nathan but I stopped her.

“You can't go with him.” I told her, gripping her arm.

She sneered at me and forced her arm out of my hand. “Who are you to tell me what I can't do? You don't have any authority over me, I can get you fired so don't test me.”

Oh, she must not know, poor girl. “Fired? From where?”

“You're the nanny aren't you?”

I let out a sarcastic laugh and shook my head. “And you say I live under a rock. If you must know, I'm not the nanny or any of the help.”

“Then who are you?”

I lifted my left hand to show her my rings. “Nathan's wife and I suggest you leave our home before I make you.”

I've had enough of her. Her attitude was terrible and I her perfume is irritating me. I know she wanted to say something but Nathan came back before she could.

He looked really distressed and it really worried me. “Oliver's locked himself in his room and he won't open the door for me. He's crying really hard.”

My heart ached for the both of them. I didn't know what Oliver was feeling but it sure was bad, no one would feel good seeing the woman who abandoned them in a hospital the day they were born.

Nathan was more angry than anything but I could tell it pained him to see Jodie again. This is a woman who he was once in love with, who gave birth to his child and left without any explanation. He also hated seeing Oliver cry and from what he said the boy was crying a lot.

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