Chapter Four

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I watched as Mr Jordan's secretary rushed out of the conference room, holding her stomach. I wasn't surprised when she did. I notice that throughout the meeting she looked sick.

Her eyes looked dull and so did her skin. She kept quiet and only nodded when spoken to as if she was scared that she would vomit if she opened her mouth.

Mr Jordan seemed angry and Hailey was still giving me weird looks that I think were meant to be flirty or seductive but it honestly made me sick.

I can't believe I'm supposed to marry this girl.

Sure, I had slept with others like her but I didn't want to see myself married to one of them. The dress she wore looked so tight and had nearly half of her orange sized breasts sticking out. I, thankfully, couldn't see where it ended but I'm pretty sure if she stood up I would get a glimpse of her panties. This was not the kind of woman one would like to have around children.

“Isn't that your daughter?” I heard my father ask Mr Jordan.

“Only adopted after her parents passed.” The man replied with a fake smile. “I just couldn't leave her all alone after my brother's death, she's family after all.”

Bloody liar. I spat inwardly.

It was obvious he only adopted her to be know as the man who accepted his orphaned niece with open arms. Anyone who looked closely would see how he didn't like her. It was evident with the constant glares he gave her anytime she moved during the meeting.

“Why don't we take a break?” Mr Jordan offered. “I would like to show you around, Steven.”

“Sure.” I heard father agree then leave.

The lawyers left too and soon it was just Hailey and I. She gave me a flirtatious smile and left her seat to occupy the one my father vacated.

“Hello, Nathan.” She purred, running her hand up and down my arm. “How have you been?”

Instead of answering, I pulled away from her and got the contract that was left on the table, reading through to validate if what I thought was correct. As soon as I finished the paragraph I needed, the paper was ripped out of my hands.

“What do you want?” I growled at the brattish girl.

“Why are you ignoring me, Nathan? I'm going to be your wife soon and husbands don't ignore their wives.” She said in an annoying whiny voice.

“Get it through your head you moron, I am not going to marry a classless retarded whore like you so you can take that ‘husband and wife’ crap and shove it up your arse.” I told her lowly.

Like the everyday spoiled bitch you meet she started screeching. “You cannot talk to me like that, Nathan Graham! I'll tell my daddy and he'll make you pay!”

I simply stood up and gave her a dry look. “I'd like to see him try.”

I just walked out of the room with the intent of going to see my mother when my eyes locked on a familiar red head. She was moving slowly like she was going to fall at any time which made it easy to catch up to her.

“Are you alright?” I asked her.

I must've startled her because she jumped when she heard my voice.

“Oh, Mr Graham, it's you.” She let out a sigh, relief filling her hazel eyes seeing that it was me.

“Yes so there's no need to panic. So about my question earlier, are you alright, miss?”

“Jordan, Alyssa Jordan, that's my name. And yes I'm okay.” She replied nervously.

I smiled at her. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “Yes, I'm sure. Thank you for asking Mr Graham. ”

“Call me Nathan.” Because if what I thought of goes as planned that's the only name you'll know me as. I wanted to add.

“That'd be highly unprofessional, sir. I'd prefer calling you formally.”

I shrugged. “If you insist.”

“Is there anything you need, Mr Graham?” She offered.

“No, nothing at all. I just wanted to know how you were feeling. You seem ill.” I pointed out.

She pursed her lips, shaking her head as she answered. “No, I feel fine, Mr Graham. Thank you for your concern. Please don't let me distract you from your meeting.”

“It's no problem at all. I was just about leaving. I have heard everything I need to know.”

She put on a polite smile on her pretty pink lips. “Okay, then. Thank you for coming, sir.”

“Thank you for having me.” I said, shaking her hand, glancing at the other to make sure there was no ring on it. She was about to enter the door she stopped at when I spoke again. “If you are unwell miss Jordan, I suggest you ask your father for the rest of the day off.”

“Thank you, Mr Graham.” She said with a tight lipped smile as if she was restraining herself from saying something.

I gave her another smile. “No problem, miss Jordan. Please tell your father that I will speak to him tomorrow.”

“Will do, sir. Goodbye.”


Then I left, driving straight to my house. I decided that taking a nap would be best, seeing that I had nothing to do and didn't feel like going to any bars.

I had already dropped on the bed, about to close my eyes when I heard the sound of my phone ringing. I knew exactly who was calling.

“Hello Father.” I greeted merrily.

“Why the hell would you leave like that, Nathan? You haven't signed the contract yet. It looks as if you want yo lose the company to Mason.” I could already imagine the man scowling with a red face trying not to yell. “You also insulted your future wife, I demand you come back here to apologise to her.”

“Father, I want to make this clear. I will not be marrying that retard neither will I apologise to her.” I told him calmly. “As for why I left, something important came up.”

“What was so important that you had to leave? I swear, Nathan if you don't come back here and sign that contract, I'll disown you!” He threatened.

I rolled my eyes at his empty threats. “I'll speak to you later father.”

Then I hung up on him and called my lawyer.

I just hope this plan works.

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