Chapter Thirty-one

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“You tried to kill yourself?!” Came out of my mouth before I could stop it.

Alyssa was obviously shocked to see me home by this time. It was barely an hour since I had last seen her do I knew she wasn't expecting me, especially not as angry as I am.

“W-what are you talking about?” She stuttered, her eyes wide with alarm.

“Last year you tried to overdose on morphine but thankfully it didn't work.” I answered.

Her surprised expression changed to mirror my angry one. “How do you know that?” When I didn't reply, she glanced at the hand clutching the file and glared. “You had me investigated?”

“Yes and I'm glad I did.” I admitted.

It surprised me for a second when fury filled her hazel eyes. “How could you do that? You had no right!” She exclaimed but careful not to raise her voice too much.

“That's besides the point. Why did you try to take your life?” I asked.

“It isn't besides the point! I can't believe you looked into me, why? I want to know, Nathan.” Her chest rose and fell as she took quick breaths to calm herself. If I wasn't so angry I'd be aroused.

Maybe if I just tell her, she'll answer my question. “I had to. It was obvious you weren't telling me everything and I had to know.”

“So instead of coming to ask me about my past, you decided to have someone pry into it and hand it over to you on a silver platter. That's so good of you.” Her tone was laced with sarcasm.

“Well, you were never going to tell me anyway so why bother asking?” I argued.

“Oh, so you mean I can come to you one day and say 'Hey, Nathan, do you know I tried to commit suicide last year but it's all good now, I didn't die'. That would've been nice, right?” She retorted.

I hate to say it but she had a point. She couldn't have come to me and said that but doesn't that mean I was right for finding out on my own? At least it has come up now and we can talk about it.

“You have your information now, don't you? By the look of that folder it's not only my suicide attempt that's in there so why don't you just enjoy the read.” With that she stormed up the stairs, leaving me to listen to her footsteps as she walked.

I can't believe what just happened. It was unusual for Alyssa to snap like that or get so worked up. I really didn't expect this today.

I decided that I wasn't going to back to work today. I was already home and it's not like I was doing anything very important so I worked from home in the office I had here. Dinner was quiet and a bit awkward at least for me. Alyssa and Oliver were still talking and laughing as if nothing happened.

Sleep was hard to come by. I tossed and turned in bed, trying to find the best position to sleep in but something was missing, that thing was actually a person. Alyssa was sleeping in her own room tonight and I was pretty sure her door was locked, making me regret getting the lock fixed.

The longer I stayed alone in what was my room, the more I realized how wrong I was to confront her like that or even look into her in the first place. It made me appear as if I didn't trust her and that was the last thing I wanted.

It was past midnight when I swallowed my pride I left the room I'd gotten so use to sharing with her the past two weeks and went across the hall. There was a brief moment of hesitation before I knocked.

“Come in.” I heard her say.

Isn't the door locked? I turned the handle and it really wasn't locked. The room was a bit dark as the only light on was the lamp on the bedside table but I could still her the dry questioning look on her face.

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