Chapter Thirty-four

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I let out an unhappy groan as someone held my shoulder, shaking me lightly. It's not that I was still very tired but I was too comfortable to get up and was just about to fall asleep again.

“Love, you need to wake up.” Nathan whispered into my ear.

I swear everytime he does this something happens to my body, I didn't know what it was but it definitely felt good.

I hummed lazily in reply, snuggling back into my pillow. I didn't expect him to literally drag me out of bed and hold me up. I let out an omph when I get his muscled chest, looking up to give him a nasty glare while I rubbed my forehead.

“Good morning.” He greeted in a sing song voice, letting go of my arms so I was standing on my own.

“What's got you so excited?” I asked dryly, plopping onto the bed lazily.

“What's got you so unexcited?” He retorted. The way he said it made him sound just like Oliver.

“I'm really tired Nathan.” I wasn't exhausted but I could use some sleep.

After I got home yesterday, I took a nap that Nathan woke me from, got me on his private jet and all the way to Miami. I was half awake throughout the two and a half hour flight and fell asleep before we even got to the place we were staying at. I didn't even know where we were, all I knew was that the bed was very comfortable.

“We can't spend the day couped up in here. Let's go out.” I groaned once again before I forced myself to get up.

“What time is it?”

“Almost noon.”

My eyes widened at that. So I've been asleep for almost fifteen hours. Why don't I feel well rested yet?

I trudged to the bathroom and got into the shower, sighing as the warm water hit my skin. I was done in five minutes and slipped on a light floral print dress before I found Nathan in the kitchen. He didn't see me though, giving me the opportunity to look around the house.

I could see the sand and water from the sliding doors made of glass, helping me conclude that we were at a beach house, a nice one at that. It wasn't so big but it was cozy and quaint. I slid the door open to stand on the wooden patio next to the table set, leaning gently on the wooden frame.

I watched the waves crash into each other as the light breeze blew my hair around, a lot of the strands coming to hit my face. I continuously had to keep tucking them behind my ear so none would get in my eye. Nathan's joined me outside soon after, leaving not even three inches of space as he stood next to me.

“Ready to go?” He asked.

“Where are we going?”

“You'll see.” I rolled my eyes at his vagueness.

I hate when he takes me places without telling me exactly where he is taking me. I traded my flip flops for a pair of sandals and a small purse for my phone and some money, not like Nathan would let me pay for anything.

He held my hand, a gesture that always woke the butterflies in my stomach. We strolled away from what I figured out was a not so small beach side cottage to the main beach where people we already having fun. It made me wonder why none of them were close to where we stayed.

We got to the main road where a car was waiting for us. We greeted the driver and Nathan told him where we wanted to go or where he was taking me. The Bayside Marketplace was our first destination. Known as one of the best places to shop and eat in Miami, it was crowded and kind of hard to navigate, we had to push past a people so we could continue.

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