Chapter Twenty

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We were going shopping next anyway. Alyssa didn't have as many clothes as she should and even though we had bought some already, I thought she needed more, she deserved more. Now that she had to change, I had an excuse to take her shopping.

She refused of course, when she saw noticed we were in front of some high-end stores. There were shops for different brand names all lined up with hair and nails salons, a spa and a restaurant with over priced food. It was the perfect place to treat a woman to.

“Nathan we don't have to buy anything, the clothes I already have are enough.” She tried to protest but I wasn't having it.

I had to pull her out of the car and into the first store. The attendant greeted us nicely, directing us around the store. He gave Alyssa a changing room and showed me a couch that I could sit on while I waited for her to change.

The attendant left us as we went around, Alyssa refusing everything I picked up for her. It took a little convincing but I finally got her to try a few outfits. We picked out a few outfits for her and while she made her way to the changing room, I picked a few more, somethings I'd like to see her in. You can never have too many clothes, right?

I was scrolling through my phone when she came out in a pretty blue dress. Blue was really her colour. It was a simple sundress that she could wear when it was warmer.

“How do I look?” She gave a twirl, the smile on her face bright and infectious.

“Beautiful.” She blushed with her smile.

She had some winter outfits too, coats, sweaters, scarves and caps and I was happy to watch her try them on.

“I'm getting hungry,” she told he after about two hours into our shopping spree.

“There's a restaurant not far away. We can go there.” I suggested.

She agreed. “But can we get a few more things first?”

“Sure.” I was happy she asked this. I wanted her to feel comfortable to ask me for anything, I wanted to take care of her.

She smile brightened and she called our attendant back. “Do you have a children's section?”

The guy nodded, his eyes lingering on Alyssa for a moment too long. He had been doing that all the while we had been here and I didn't like it. I had called her my wife a couple of times but he wouldn't take a hint. I knew she was a beautiful woman but she was taken.

We reached the children's section of the store and Alyssa got to the racks that had things for ages 4-6 years. I knew why she wanted to come here, she wanted things for Oliver. Even the last time she went shopping, although she avoided using my money, I knew she got something for Oliver. He was very excited to show me the t-shirt she got for him. She even got matching scarves for Gran and Grandad, she was just so thoughtful.

“Oliver would love this, don't you think?” I heard her gush, holding up Supa Strikas t-shirt. “And these are just so cute!”

It was safe to say that she had gotten him a week's worth of clothes and shoes before we decided to leave. I was loading the bags in the truck of the car when I heard someone call my name.

“Nathan, is that you?” I was a woman, one I didn't want to see.

Heather Shaw. I had slept with her a few times before the contract was even drawn. She didn't understand that I wanted just sex and tried to claim that we were in a relationship. I remember how the press followed me around for weeks just to get the story. They accosted my mum once and she was with Oliver that day. He was so scared and ended up crying, his terrified face is forever etched in my mind.

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