Chapter Thirty-three

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I held Alyssa's hand as I drove through the streets of New York. I was taking her to a place I knew she would love to visit and it might just inspire her as well. It wasn't really long before we got to Maxwell Publishers, the publishing house owned by a university friend of mine. It was also a place that I may or may not have heard Alyssa mention she wanted to visit when during a phonecall with her friend.

It's not eavesdropping.

I hope that this would encourage her to write and be bold enough to have someone read it. I honestly want to know what is in that laptop without having to hack it.

The building was fairly large with glass windows all around it. The receptionist greeted us warmly and let us move to the elevator, knowing that I had an appointment with the CEO.

James and I met in university and we're really good friends, in fact, he would've been Oliver's godfather if Jacob didn't fight for that title so doggedly.

“Nathan! Buddy, how you been?” He greeted boisterously.

I couldn't help but laugh at him. “I've been good. This is my wife, Alyssa. Love, this is James Maxwell, CEO of Maxwell Publishers.”

The shock she felt was written on her face but she overcame it quickly enough. “Hi, it's so nice to meet you. You are an amazing poet.”

Of course she knew who he was and the cocky bugger just had to soak in the praise. “It is so nice to meet you too, your husband has told me a lot about you it feels like I know you already. Step into my office, let's talk.”

He led us to his office which wasn't technically decorated like a guy's work space. He had some light, almost feminine colours in it but what could I expect from a gay guy. We sat at the lounge area with drinks laid out in front of us. Alyssa didn't like to drink so he made sure to keep non-alcoholic drinks for us.

“So Alyssa,” He started. “your husband says you like to write. What do you write?”

She turned to me momentarily with a questioning look before she replied. “I only just started but I had some interest in it when I was younger.”

“Are you thinking of publishing a book soon?”

Alyssa bit her lip, something she did when she was unsure of something. I was already holding her hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze. “I don't know honestly. I don't think so.”

“Why not?”

“I don't know. I don't think I can publish anything good. I don't even know if I'll be able to publish anything, no one would publish what I write.”

“Well, that's what we're here for!” He exclaimed. “Maxwell Publishers do just that. I'll tell you what, whenever you feel ready to put your work out there, were are here for you. I'm sure your husband here supports it or he wouldn't bring you here.”

“Yes, but...”

“But nothing. Write from your heart, what you feel and you might just be the next J.K Rowling.”

“It's not so easy. I have never written anything before, I'll make a lot of mistakes and my work will be rejected.”

“Not when the CEO of the publishing house is your friend. Look, give me your email and I'll send you something.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

I knew what he was talking about. It was James's thing to write a poem about new people he meets and send it to them. At first it was weird to me but I got use to it. It was also his way of saying that meeting you was a nice experience. I wondered what Alyssa's would say.

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