Chapter Fourty

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I glanced up at Alyssa, hearing a groan coming from her. I didn't hesitate to rush to her side as she stirred, her eyes squinting as they adjusted to the lights. It wasn't long before her hazel eyes fluttered open, filling with confusion.

"Hey." I said to get her attention. "How're you feeling?"

"Like someone used my brain as a battering ram." Was her raspy reply.

I would've laughed if I wasn't still very concerned for her. It's been hours since she fainted and I've been worried sick. After the episode in my office, I cancelled all my meets and rushed her home, calling Dr. Richardson on the way.

After I explained what happened, he concluded she must've had an anxiety attack and because of her history with them, prescribed some Xanax for her.

"How did I get home?" She asked, taking the aspirin I offered her with a bottle of water.

"I brought you."

"Oh." She looked down at her hands, her face cold and unreadable.

I placed a hand on her shoulder as I dropped beside her. "What's the matter, Love?"

Her lips pursed as a tear fell out of her eye. She shut her eyes and a sob made its way past her lips. I silently hugged her close as she let out heartbreaking cries into my chest.

"What did I ever to to them? What did I do to deserve all this?" She sobbed loudly.

"This isn't your fault, none of it is." I tried to soothe her but it only made things worse.

She started yelling, pulling away from me sharply. "He wanted to sell me, Nathan! Like a worn out piece of furniture. I didn't do anything to him, I wasn't even supposed to live with him. Why did he do that to me?! He wanted to kill my parents! He tortured me for years! He and his fucked up family are the reason I'm scarred for life! I never had friends because of them, I spent my teenage years in anguish because of them! I tried to kill myself so escape but they didn't let me die because they'd lose everything. I hate them! I hate them so much!!"

"Don't worry, Love. They are going to pay for everything they've done to you." I promised.

"I want them to suffer, the way I've suffered. I want the to feel the pain that they've caused me. I want them to have the scars I have, I want them to go to sleep every night in pain and wake up praying for death. They should pay with their lives for all I've faced."

I was terrified. Her eyes flared with more anger than I've ever seen on her and her voice was cold and menacing. I hate Christopher even more, he damaged her, made her feel inferior, never let her truly express herself.

I understood her anger. It was all her pent up emotions coming as one, all her pain, frustration over everything that had happened to her over the past. I was happy she expressed everything the way she did because I knew after all this, she'd be better than ever and I couldn't wait for Christopher to see the girl he thought he broke.

"I'll take care of it, Love, they'll get what they deserve." I assured as she let me pull her into the hug again.

She was back to crying in a few seconds. "I'm sorry for all this, Nathan. I-I've been a burden, y..."

I interrupted her. "You are not a burden."

"B-but I keep putting my problems on you and making you worry and..."

"If I didn't worry about you I wouldn't be a good husband, same if I don't help you with your problems." I placed a hand on her back and rubbed slowly. "Remember, I vowed to be with you for better or worse, till death do us part and that's exactly what I'm planning to do. And if you ever call yourself a burden again, I'll cancel our Netflix subscription."

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