Chapter Two

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The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I groaned, stretching my arm to feel around for it. When I finally got it in my hands, I answered the call, not bothering to check who it was.

“Nathan, where the hell are you?” I heard my father's ever-friendly voice shout.

“Good morning to you too, Dad.” I said sarcastically, completely ignoring his question.

“I asked a question. You have a meeting in an hour and you are still lounging around your house?” He scolded.

I rolled my eyes. “What are you? My secretary? Dad, I'll be there on time.”

“That irresponsible behavior of yours is what'll be your downfall, honestly. I don't know what...”

I cut him off dryly. “Bye Dad.”

I got off my bed, looking for my discarded pants. I found them next to the pair of panties that belonged to the girl on my bed. I made my way to my shower for a nice cool one before starting the day's activities.

When I came out, the girl whose name I honestly didn't care to know was up and posing seductively on the bed.

“Good, you're up. Get out.” I told her dryly, pointing to the door with my thumb.

Her face fell immediately. “What do you mean by that?!” She shrieked.

Fuck, her voice is annoying.

“I said just what I meant. Get out of my house.” I replied.

“You cannot do that to me! I'm your girlfriend!”

I chuckled humorlessly. “Just because I slept with you twice doesn't make you my girlfriend, Sara.”

“My name is Kimberley!” She screamed again.

“Could you stop yelling and get out of my house!” I said with exasperation.

Against my better judgement, I left her in the room to get ready for work. By the time I got back to the guest room, Tammy or whatever her name was, was gone and so were her things.

After a hearty breakfast made by my housekeeper, Mrs Johnson, I got into my black Bugatti and drove to Graham Innovations or GI, the technological company my grandfather built from the ground up.

I made a stop at my office before heading to the already prepared conference room. As per usual, the meeting was boring. I could barely pay attention. They were trying to pitch an idea for a software we already had a better version of so the entire thing was pointless.

At the end of the day that seemed to drag on, I was surprised to see my father sitting at my desk when I entered my office.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Dad?” I asked, sitting in my chair opposite him.

“You're getting married.” He announced casually.

It took me a full minute to understand what he said. Me? Married? Must be a fucking joke.

“I'm serious, Nathan.” He stated. “Marriage is just what you need.”

He began speaking about how irresponsible I was and how there were so many pictures of me with different women, how I wasted my time doing menial things when I could be working or having a family. It all pissed me off.

What got me pissed me off the most was the act that he believed he knew what was best for me. I couldn't trust his judgement on marriage seeing that he could barely maintain his own and in general I didn't trust a thing that came out of him.

“No.” I said, cutting off his rant.

“What was that?” He sneered.

“I said I will not be getting married, you bloody arsehole!” I got up from my chair, reciprocating the glare the gave me.

“Yes you are, Nathan.”

“What makes you think I will?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Because my father said so?”

“Yes, because I said so.” He got up too, staring at me with anger. “Thought your mother would've taught you some manners.”

My patience had reached it's breaking point. I threw a punch at him, happy with myself when my fist came in contact with his face. He should know not to talk about my mother like that. His head swung to the side, turning to focus on me slowly.

“You spoiled brat! How dare you hit your father!” He yelled furiously. “Whether you like it or not you are going to do as I say and get married!”

“Or what?” I dared him.

“You lose everything. The company, your house, all the money you have will be gone if you do not marry this girl. And I'll give everything to Mason.”

That only angered me more. “That isn't fair! You know how hard I worked for this company and you want to take that away just because I don't want to marry some bitch?!”

“You have two days to decide,  son.” Then he walked out of my office like the bastard he is not before dropping something on my desk.

I plopped onto the chair and gripped my hair in tight fists then grabbed what I noticed was a folder that he left of my desk. I decided against ripping it to shreds and opened it out of sheer curiosity.

Hailey Jordan. That was all I needed to see before I actually tore the folder up.

I knew exactly who she was, her name was always in the papers or on the news. She was the definition of a spoiled rotten daddy's girl. She couldn't even pass a simple Cambridge exam. I couldn't marry this twat, if I needed a wife, I would like one with brains as well as beauty and not a girl who would ask the internet for the spelling of her name.

I took a deep breath. I serious need to get out of here.

I got to the parking garage and into my car with no immediate destination in mind. I didn't know how but I had found my way to the worst part of town and stopped for a smoke.

I blew out a puff of smoke casually scanning the area. It was then that I notice there was a struggle going on right across the street. Although it was dark, I could make out the silhouette of a woman an three men.

It wasn't my business but I felt compelled to help. What if the woman was murdered and knowing I can do something to help it would be on my conscience.

With a sigh, I opened the car door and dropped the cigarette butt, putting out. I walked across the empty street unnoticed. The girl was starting to give up and I knew I had to help.

I pulled the one holding the woman's away from her, getting the others' attention. It was easy, beating them up, thanks to my kickboxing days and the fact that they were hammered.

Like the cowards they were, the ran, well staggered away. I watched them run til they were out of my range of vision be fore I turned away.

“Are you okay?” I intended to ask the woman only to see that she wasn't there anymore.

You save someone's life and they leave without so much as athank you’. People.

Just as I was about to leave, I noticed something laying on the floor. It was a phone, no doubt the woman's because of the purple casing. I wanted to leave it there but thought again.

I could check it and find the girl's address just to return it. I know how important some data on your phone can be and leaving it in this part of town wouldn't be wise because it could be picked up by anyone. So I took it.

I tapped the power button as I got into the car only to see that it had a password and the wallpaper was generic and didn't give any details about the owner. I guess this is where hacking comes in.

Maybe this project would be a good distraction for me.

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