Chapter Twenty-seven

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“Where are you, Nathan?” I mumbled to myself, frustrated.

Why isn't he picking up? He needs to explain this. I thought as I dialed his number again.

“Have you gotten through to Dad yet?” Oliver asked, coming into the room.

“No.” I told him. “It just keeps going to voicemail.”

Oliver's face and tone showed how worried he was about his father, the man no one has heard from for ten hours. He looked like he was going to cry.

When I woke up this morning, Nathan wasn't home. I was still sleeping in his room despite my being perfectly fine. It was like there was something pulling me back there every night. It's almost Oliver's bedtime now and none of us have heard anything from him. His mom tried to call him but when he didn't answer a couple of times she called me. I've been trying since I saw an alarming message on my phone after lunch.

Your account had been credited with $10000000.

I immediately knew who it was from without having to read the entire message. I've been trying to call him to ask why he gave me money like that. But really why did he? Does he know about the five million Christopher wants? My deadline is in three days, did he find out?

Argh! This is why I need to hear from him.

“Did he say he was going anywhere?” Oliver questioned.

“No. Does he usually work this late?”

“Not without saying something.”

I dialed the number again but as it has been for the past six hours, it went straight to voicemail. I groaned in frustration.

“Where is he?” Oliver's voice broke slightly.

“I don't know but I'm sure he's okay, please don't cry.” He nodded, sniffing loudly and pulling a brave face. “How about you stay here? I'm going to call your Gran again.”

I called Sophia and she picked up immediately. “Alyssa, please tell me you got through to him.” She pleaded.

I feel so bad because I'm going to disappointed her. “No, I haven't. I was about to ask you the same thing.”

I heard her sigh heavily. “I even called his father, he has no idea where Nathan is. Did you two have an argument?”

“No, I didn't even see him this morning and everthing was perfectly normal yesterday.” I informed her.

I couldn't help but think. Did I do something wrong? Was he upset with me? Is that why he decided to disappear like this, to teach me a lesson?

No, that's stupid. Nathan is far too mature for that.

Then again, is he?

“I'm sure Nathan's fine. Maybe we should all just wait a bit, I'm sure he'll call one of us back.” I was convincing myself more than I was her.

“Maybe, you're right, Alyssa.” She agreed tiredly. “If he doesn't contact any of us tomorrow then we go to the police.”

“Definitely.” I said good night to her and put my phone down after sending one last text to Nathan.

Please call me, everyone is worried about you.

I laid down next to Oliver who had already fallen asleep thankfully. If he had stayed up any longer he'd be bawling his eyes out. It took me a bit more than an hour but I was able to curtail my worries and fall asleep.

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