Chapter Twenty-four

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I took my sweet time getting ready for dinner tonight. We were supposed to be there in forty five minutes and the house was thirty minutes away. If I could delay for thirty more minutes we would be too late and unable to go.

Now how do I stall?

I took one of my earrings off and threw it under the bed. They were a gift from Cassy and I loved them but I never wore them for fear that Hailey would take a liking and take them from me. Now that she couldn't, I could wear them as I please.

There was a knock at my bedroom door, no doubt it was Nathan.

“Alyssa?” He called. “Are you ready yet?”

I moved my blanket around to make a rustling sound. “Yeah, I'm just looking for my earring.”

“Well, can I help? We need to leave soon.”

Um... “Sure.”

I went over to the door and unlocked it. He opened it, his eyes landing on me first. “You look beautiful.”

I blushed slightly. “Thank you.”

“So where did it fall?”


“Your earring?”

“Oh, um, I think it was around here.” I gestured to the small lounge I had.

It was a nice place to sit or sometimes I took a nap on the longer couch. Plus it was far enough from the bed so no matter how much we bent down, we wouldn't see my stashed earring from here.

“Let's get to it.” He moved the throw pillows around unceremoniously while I moved around the sofas pretending to search. “Maybe it fell undernearth.”

He got down on one knee, checking under the seats and I copied his actions. It wasn't long before he huffed in frustration as stood on this feet. “Can't you just use another pair?”

“No, I bought these specifically for this outfit.”

“That's funny. I didn't receive any notice of a withdrawal on my phone that day.”

I froze in my kneeling position. Busted. “Well,” I started, looking for an excuse. “I used my credit card.”

“No you didn't. I remember we bought that jumpsuit online, the day we stayed in.” He stated. Oh, do that's where I got it from. “And the shoes are from London.”

How did he remember that?

“Why didn't you get something new for yourself?”

I stood up so his height would be less intimidating. “I didn't want anything new.”

“I wanted you to have something new.”

“I didn't feel like having something new when I have all these clothes that still have price tags on them.”

“So? You can wear those some other time.”

“And I can wear this today. I don't always need to get something new for every occasion.” I pointed out.

“I can afford it.”

“I know you can. But it really isn't wise to waste money like that.” I didn't like this topic, I had to digress. “Just help me find this earring so we can leave.”

He sighed deeply, scanning around the room. He moved wordlessly to my bed and bent down to pick something up. It was my earring, guess I threw it too hard because it had come out through the other side and was lying on the floor all this while.

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