Chapter 4

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Louis and Harry are laying down on Louis' bed. They are relaxing after the cocktail party and just the long day in general.

"Are you okay now, Lou?" Harry is still worried about the boy that's lying down beside him.

"Yeah, I'm fine really. It's just a bit overwhelming."

Harry nods in agreement, but he isn't happy with the other boys' answer. He wants to know what happened.

"Your breathing got all weird and stuff. How come?" Harry leans on his side now so he can see the boy.

"Not important."

"It is. You can tell me, Louis."

A sigh escapes from Louis' lips. Is he really going to tell a boy that he knows for a day about his panic attacks? Harry is the only person he really talks to here. He is not planning on risking that by telling him that Louis is a fucking mental mess. He won't have anyone here for the next three weeks. Harry will think he is a freak.

"It's nothing, Harry." Louis says a lot more snappier than intended.

"Okay, I'll just leave you. I get the hint." Harry rolls around and steps out of the bed. This is exactly what Louis wanted to avoid.

"Harry, no just... I'm sorry I snapped at you. I didn't mean it. Don't leave, please. I don't want to be alone for the first night without Eleanor. It was just the stress that made me snap. Sorry."

Harry feels bad for the older boy and he is stepping into the bed again.

"Sorry I pushed you to tell me about what happened. If you don't want to share that, it's fine. I guess I don't really realise that we only have met today. We are getting along so well. It feels like we have been friends forever." Harry admits and Louis couldn't agree more.

"That's true, curly. I feel the same. We do get along really well. It's probably because we know we will be stuck together 24/7 for three weeks on this island. I hope El found someone like I found you to spend her time with." Louis' thoughts drift off to his girlfriend on the other side.

"Yeah, I hope the same for Tay. Imagine the two of them are chilling now in Eleanor's room or something, just talking like we do?"

A smile appears on Louis' face. "That would be great. I hope they become friends just like us. Imagine if we are back in the UK we can go on double dates together!" Louis says excited.

"That would be sick shit, Lou but first we have to survive this."

Louis lifts his eyebrow.

"Aren't you sure that Taylor and you are going to make it?"

Harry bites his lip and just moves his shoulders.

"I hope we do. I promised myself and here that if she doesn't make any mistakes here I'm going to propose. I can imagine my life happily married with her. It's just... She has made a mistake once. When Tay starts drinking she isn't herself anymore. I'm scared she will do it again here." Harry plays with his fingernails and fights the tears that are begging to leave his eyes.

"Haz, if you think she will cheat on you here then why participate? It's like you want your relation to fail?" Louis says carefully.

"That's bullshit. Of course I don't want my relation to fail. I just want to see if I can trust her and where can I test it better then here on Temptation Island? And you? Aren't you scared that Eleanor makes a mistake? I mean you are risking seven years of your life here, Lou. Why would you do that?"

"I don't know. I guess we wanted to do something adventurous. I love El so much, but it's already seven years we are living the same life. We wanted to add some spice. I'm not scared El will cheat on me, she loves me too much. She wouldn't risk it."

"And are you afraid about yourself?" Harry asks.

"What do you mean about myself?"

"Are you scared you won't be able to resist one of the girls? Like that maybe one night you are drunk or something and you make a mistake? Did you ever think that you maybe can mess it up? Just the combination of alcohol, the holiday feeling, the parties and the hot girls?"

Louis thinks for a second. Would he be tempted to cheat on El with one of those girls?

"I'm not scared I end up in bed with one of them or even kissing them. None of them are really my type. I'm not physically attracted to any of them. Of course they are pretty but I don't see myself giving up El and everything we have for a nice fuck with one of them. I can't even imagine fucking another girl. What about you? Do you think you might cheat on Taylor with one of them?"

Harry bites his lip.

"No need to lie to you, you're my friend. I'm honestly not sure. I mean I have never been in this situation. Always when I go to parties and I get drunk Taylor is with me. I have never been to a party without her since we are dating and I don't know what I would do. We always party together, she is there to control me. I'm scared that I will mess up everything with Tay just because I'm drunk one night and kiss another girl. I really don't want that to happen. It would break her, it would break me, it would mess up everything. I don't want to do that to her. Just imagine that your girlfriend gets videos of you making out with someone else. I really don't want it to happen, but I'm not sure it won't. Like I said, I have never been in this situation before. I will need your help, Lou."

"My help? What do you want from me Haz?"

"I want you to stop me when you see I'm getting too drunk. Don't let me drink okay? And if you let me drink, don't let me get close to those girls. They know exactly what to do with drunk teenage boys like I am. Promise you will look out for me?" Harry puts his pinkie up, making Louis smile.

"I promise. I won't let you get close to any of those girls."

Temptation Island {Larry Stylinson}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt