Chapter 28

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Louis checks himself out in the mirror. He wants to look kind of good when he goes to Harry. He asked Danielle to tell Harry to wait in the hiding room. He is going to be honest to his best friend and tell him about his feelings towards him. The least Louis can do is look presentable.

When he fixed his fringe he walks outside, passing the pool to go to the wooden cabinet. It takes all his courage to put his hand on the handle and open the door.

Harry has been waiting for 15 minutes now and really considers to just go. Is this some kind of stupid prank from Danielle? To put it in Harry's face that Louis doesn't want to talk to him, only to her? Harry is about to leave but then sees the handle go down.

And there he is. His hair is damp, probably from the shower but his fringe is just perfect. He wears a white t-shirt that is beautiful on his sun kissed skin and a pair of light jean shorts that bring out his short but amazing legs. He looks amazing, for sure compared to the last few days. It's like a whole new person is standing in front of him while only an hour ago this exact same boy was only wearing a pair of baggy sweats and had greasy hair.

"So, you wanted to talk? Than talk." Harry's voice is hard. He doesn't like it but he has to. He can't let Louis treat him like this. Kendall said it in the wrong way but she had some points.

The tone scares Louis. Maybe this wasn't a good idea at all. Maybe he should just go before it's too late and he says something stupid.

"Maybe we shouldn't..." The boy feels like a fool and just wants to escape. He wants to escape his thoughts, his feelings, himself. He wants to grab the handle again but Harry doesn't let him.

"Stop doing that. Why are you always running away from me? Is it that disgusting to you that I love men?"

And for some reason that pissed Louis off because Louis loves men too.

"I told you I wouldn't judge you for it."

"Yet here you are running away since I told you."

"I don't run away because you are gay."

"Then why do you run away from me? I can't remember doing anything wrong towards you, Lou. The only thing I want is to be by your side but you won't let me. Am I only your friend to play in the fucking pool and pull pranks on the others? Is that what I am to you? Just some friend to do crazy stuff with and nothing more? Am I just some freaking entertainment? Because that's not what I want, Louis. I want to be your friend as well when you feel bad. I trust you. I told you my biggest secret that I never told anyone. I let you in. I let you be there for me and hug me, comfort me, make me feel good. Why can't you let me do the same to you? Am I not enough?" Harry needs to get it all of his chest. All his feelings, his doubts, it's getting too much.

"I do trust you, Hazza. I literally told you that you are the only person besides my family that I trust! It's not that easy! You know I care about you fucking much."

"How can I know, Louis? You push me away, you snap at me, we fight all the time. How do you expect me to know that you care so much about me? Because one moment you do show it and you take me in your arms to comfort me. One moment you act like you are the LGBTQ ambassador and only three days later you literally kick me out of your room and snap at me. You wouldn't even take my help. You were bleeding for fuck's sake. You preferred to just sit down in your own blood than me taking care about you. What the hell am I doing wrong, Louis? Because I won't let you have your mood swings on me all the time. I'm a human, I care about you so much and you mean everything to me in such a short amount of time and it hurts. It hurts to see your best friend sad and he won't let you into his thoughts and feelings. I would never judge you, yet don't trust me. Why, Lou? I just want to know why and maybe it hurts less."

Louis' underlip is trembling and he does his best to fight his tears. He never wanted to hurt his Hazza like this, never. He was doing this to not pull him into any drama and now his best friend is on the verge of crying and he is hurt. Louis hurt his favourite person.

"You will act different if I tell you." Louis confesses, making himself ready to say the truth. "But I'm taking that chance because it's not like we are okay now. Just... Hear me out okay and please let me talk."

Harry nods, happy he finally will get to know what's going on with Louis.

"You make me feel weird. You give me this strange feeling that I never had before. I want to be with you every single second of the day and I feel that whenever you are not near me, I feel empty and sad and that just scares me because I am so dependent on you. I start to see you in a different way than as a friend. I feel the urge to kiss you and touch you, being touched by you. At first I thought it was normal because maybe I just miss Eleanor and it's completely normal to miss affection but then you came out to me Hazza and it made me think that maybe I am gay too, for you. I haven't figured it out yet and I needed my time to think about it. I didn't want to push you away, I just wanted to think about it without your influence. I am upset that El cheated on me, but currently the main reason why I feel like shit is because I don't know what I'm feeling and for who I am feeling it. But I think I figured it out because hearing you say those words, that I hurt you, hurt me so damn much. The thought of me making you feel bad just makes me sick. I don't want to make you feel bad. I'm in love with you, Hazza and I don't know what to do about it because I am still with El and you have Taylor and what's going to happen after the show? I don't know anything, but I do know that what I feel towards you is not just friendship, not anymore."

The butterflies in Harry's stomach are going crazy and he wipes away a tear from Louis' cheek.

"I have feelings for you as well, quite a while now actually. We will figure it out, Lou. Do you want to be with me?"

For some reason Louis doesn't even needs to think, he just nods. "Very much."

A smile appears on Harry's face and he leans in to the boy, softly connecting their lips. It's not one of those kisses they have shared before, this one isn't with their tongues fighting for dominance, no one is biting lips. The kiss is close mouthed and full of passion and love that it makes Louis' and Harry's hearts literally burst.

"I want to give this a try, Harry. I really want to. We can get closer to each other and come here regulary to kiss maybe but... As long as I haven't talked to Eleanor I won't sleep with you again. I'm not going all in before I let her down carefully."

"Do you still consider going back to her?"

"I never considered that, Harry. That's just what you wanted to understand. No, I don't consider going back to her. I just want to talk to her, explain her that we are not going to work anymore and that it isn't completely her fault. I really want to talk to her, but I'm not going back. I promise you right here and now that I'm not going back to Eleanor and the second that I talked to her and we officially broke up, I am all yours if you want me..."

"I want you, Lou. I have been wanting you for so long. I can't believe this is happening. I'm fine with going slow. I don't need you just for sex, I need you, just you. I can't believe that you are actually mine."

"I'm yours, Hazza. Have been since the moment we met. I'm so sorry I only had the guts now to tell you."

Harry feels Louis arms wrap around his body and he knows what it means. Harry kisses his forehead. He is forgiven. They are fine.

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