Chapter 41

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"Lou, Lou wake up!" Harry carefully shakes Louis awake.

"Hazza, please I'm so tired. Let me sleep a bit more, yeah." He murmurs, pulling the blanket over his head.

"But I want to see the sunrise with you. It's gorgeous. Babe, please."

And as much as Louis wants to continue his beauty sleep, he could never say no to his Hazza pleading. Also, it's their second last morning in Thailand so Louis should make the best of it. He can sleep as much as he wants when he is back at home. It's not like he will still have a job as Eleanor's father is his boss.

He opens his eyes and automatically smiles when he sees the bunch of curls next to him.

"It's still a bit chilly. Let me cuddle you warm." Louis puts his arm around Harry's body and pulls him closer to him, making their bodies touch. Louis automatically leans his head on Harry's shoulder, still feeling a bit tired.

"First the stars, now the sunrise on the beach. We must be the cheesiest couple." Harry giggles and it's still Louis' favourite sound in the world. He could listen to Harry giggle all day. He is adorable.

"But we are happy, aren't we?"

"Yes we are, Lou. Only two days and we go home. How will it be?"

Louis think before he gives his answer.

"You still have a ring in your room for Taylor. What are you going to do? You won't stay with her will you?" Louis suddenly gets nervous, not feeling really confident. He forgot about the blond girl. In fact Harry is still in a relationship with her and the realisation makes him take some distance from the younger boy, shuffling a bit to the side and removing his head from his shoulder. He can't believe that right now he is sharing a boyfriend with someone. He suddenly feels nauseous and the thought Harry is still with her makes him want to throw up.

"Don't go away from me, Lou." Harry picks up the smaller guy, putting him on his lap easily. He starts to give Louis kisses on his shoulder, neck, chest and face.

"I love you, Louis Tomlinson. I will break up with her the moment there are no camera's anymore, okay? I'm yours, baby. I'm only yours. Remember, I'm gay."

It makes Louis smile and he cuddles into Harry.

"I'm just scared because you promised that if she wouldn't cheat, you'd propose and she didn't till now."

"I didn't know you back then. And also I didn't think I deserved happiness. You are the one showing me that, babe. You make me happy and you make me feel like I deserve to be happy. I'm not giving you up. Some promises are made to be broken."

"You would never do that to me, right?"

"Never. I love you, Louis, for real. When we are back home I will go to university."


"London. I still need a flat though. My parents will buy me one so I can stay there after for job opportunities. There are many more in the city than back in Holmes Chapel."

"El and I have been living there as well for a year now. I'm going to move back home for a while though, back in Doncaster with my family. I've missed them. I can't wait to introduce you to them."

"I'm excited to meet them as well. You always talk about them so highly. I'm scared to..."

"Your stepdad, right?"


"I'm sure he will be fine, babe. You are his stepson after all. He will accept you. You are an angel."

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