Chapter 59

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Louis wakes up first. A big smile appears on his face when he looks at the angel next to him. Harry is snoring lightly, drooling again a bit and his face is covered by his wild bunch of curls. He is honestly the cutest person to walk this earth.

Louis carefully hovers over Harry, kissing his lips softly.

"Baby, you should wake up. We have quite the drive ahead of us." Louis whispers against his lips, not wanting to wake up the boy abruptly.

"Mmm, Lou. I'm tired."

Louis giggles and removes the blanker from Harry's body, exposing his beautiful body.

"Come on, babe. You are going to see your family today, aren't you excited?"

Harry decides to sit up, but he doesn't look really enthusiastic.

"I mean, I guess I am. Don't think they are."

Louis gives Harry a sad look and kisses his curls.

"It will be difficult maybe but I'm sure eventually they will be fine. Do you want to take a shower? You can go first, then I can warn my mom that I brought my boyfriend home. Can't wait for her shocked face." Louis giggles and Harry smiles weakly as well.

"Do you think she will kick me out?"

"My mom? Harry she is literally an angel. Don't worry. She will probably need time to get used to the idea but she is not going to kick you out, love."

"Do you think she will like me?"

Louis removes the curls that are hanging in front of Harry's eyes, so he can look deeply in them.

"She's going to love you, just because I do."


Louis has shown Harry the bathroom, told him which toiletries are Louis'. He also lend Harry some clothes. All the clothes in his suitcase are dirty.

Louis is walking downstairs and he smiles when he sees his sister watching tv, eating a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning, Lots."

"LOU!" Lottie jumps up, puts her bowl on the small table and jumps in the arms of her big brother.

"I missed you! How are you! Did something happen? Mom didn't let me watch the show because it's not for my age." Lottie rolls her eyes.

"We'll talk about that later, Lots. Where is mom? I need to tell her something."

"Kitchen, she is baking a cake because you are back."

"Oh, bless her! See you in a bit, okay?"

Lottie nods and takes place again in front of the telly, watching FRIENDS. Louis walks into the kitchen.

"Hey, mom." Louis' voice is soft and careful. He is scared for his mom's reaction. Lottie hasn't seen the show, but Jay did.

"Louis, you are back!" The mother hugs her son tightly. When they let go of each other, Jay looks at her son.

"I do think we need to talk, Louis. What happened? I'm really confused? What about Eleanor? And that boy?"

"He's not just a boy, mom. His name is Harry and he is my boyfriend. He is showering right now by the way. His parents didn't pick him up yesterday and he spent the night here. I couldn't just leave him in London. I'll drop him off after breakfast. I hope that's okay?"

"That's fine, love. Good that you didn't leave him there. Just be back before dinner okay? Your nan is coming over."

"That's okay. I'll be back."

"So about that boy, Harry. What's the story, love? I always thought you and Eleanor were happy with each other? Now you are bringing home your boyfriend..."

"Are you angry?" Louis bites his lip, ignoring the gaze of his mother.

"I'm not angry, I'm confused. Oh baby how can I be angry with you when you are literally teaching the whole country about true love? When I watched your speech I was in tears. It was so beautiful, baby. If you really think that Harry is the one for you, I support that. I will miss the contact with the Calder's and I really liked your relationship with her but it's your happiness that matters to me, Louis. If Harry makes you happy who am I to stop that? I already discussed this with your nan and the rest of the family, we all agree. Eleanor's mother called me as well, thanking you for dropping her off last night. She told me she wouldn't have done the same if she were you. We are proud of you, Louis. You've become a young man that knows what he wants in life, not a kid anymore and showing respect to people, even to the ones that hurt you."

Louis has tears in his eyes, happy tears. He hugs his mother, feeling her tears fall on his shoulder.

"Thank you so much, mom. I can't wait for you to meet him. I swear, he is so amazing."

"I've watched the two of you on tv, the boy really made you smile a lot. I can't wait to meet him either."

Louis turns around when he hears someone coming down the stairs.

"That's him mom, come!" Louis takes his mothers' hand, dragging her towards the living room.

"Hazza!" Louis hugs the freshly showered boy and pecks his cheek. Lottie is looking at the boy with interest as well.

"So babe, this is my sister Lottie on the couch, and that's my mom." Louis introduces his family.

"Hi, love. I'm Johanna, please call me Jay."

"What's up! I'm Lottie!" the younger girl just shouts from the couch, not feeling to get up.

"Guys, this is Harry. He is my boyfriend." Louis is grabbing his hand, seeing the nervous expression on his face.

"It's nice to meet you, Harry. Louis has told me already a lot about you, how happy you make him. I've watched the show and I see that you were good to my son. No need to stress, love. You are wanted here. If Louis loves you, we do. Welcome to the family."

Harry's heart is beating out of his chest when Jay puts her arms around the boy. Harry hugs her back. This is all new to him. He usually doesn't get cuddles at home but he really likes this feeling. He knows from who Louis has his sweetness and kindness. 

Louis looks fondly at his mother and his boyfriend, quickly wiping a small tear away. This must be his  new favourite moment in life.

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