Chapter 29

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This doesnt mean I agree, nor think that the characters do this in real life. Slutshaming shouldnt be supported but it does happen, and mainly in shows like temptation island. It's only done to make the story lean closer to the actual show! Again, I dont support slutshaming!

For the first time Louis is at dinner again. He is sitting next to Harry and he feels the big hand resting on his knee under the table. Louis puts his hand on top of his and Harry has a big smile on his face, looking at Louis with heart eyes.

"Can someone pass me the salt please?" Kendall asks.

"Aren't you salty enough by yourself." Louis snaps.

Harry spits out the soup in his mouth and starts to cough loudly. He didn't see that coming. For a moment he forgot how sassy Louis can be. Harry is glad that the sass master is back though.

"What are you, 5?" Kendall snaps back.

"See, salty enough."

"No wonder why your girlfriend cheated on you."

This one hurts Louis. Is he really that annoying that El would cheat on him? Is that really the reason? Did El do this because Louis isn't a nice person to be around?

Louis feels Harry squeezing his leg and he feels more comfortable now knowing that Harry is by his side and that after the show they will be probably boyfriends. Louis can't wait for that to happen.

"I don't think sluts like you should talk." Harry snaps. He warned Kendall about attacking Lou and yeah he was okay with her but that's over now. Nobody hurts his little baby, no fucking body.

"You are paid to try to have sex so if someone's weird it's you. Also don't joke about cheating. I hope one day it happens to you and you will feel the pain. Let's go, Lou. We don't need that negativity right before another campfire."

Harry grabs Louis' hand and walks back to the hiding room where their lips immediately connect. Louis has this amazing feeling in his body every time they kiss. His lips get all tingly and he feels actual butterflies in his stomach. He always thought that was a myth until he met this curly boy.

"Don't lister to her, yeah babe? You are perfect." Harry puts a strand of hair behind Louis' ear and Louis feels himself blush. He loves the bond that they are having now. He doesn't have to be scared anymore for blushing because Harry knows that he makes Louis feel things.

"Thanks for sticking up for me. I can't wait for this show to be over. I want to be yours officially and forever. I can't wait for us to be actual... You know boyfriends, if you want that of course."

Harry kisses Louis again shortly.

"I want to be your boyfriend. I really really want to be your boyfriend actually. "

"Great, I will really need you because when I break up with El I will lose so many people. All my friends are homophobes. I honestly don't think I will have anyone left except for my family. I'll have to find a new flat as well because now El and I are sharing. I'm really scared but I am prepared to do all of this with you. You are as well, right?"

"I am, boo. I will lose a lot of well. My stepfather will hate me. He thinks gay people are disgusting and I'm quite sure he will drag my mom with him.  But together we got this. We can fight the haters as long as we are together."

Louis likes this. We can fight the haters as long as we are together.

"We can fight the world as long as we are together, Hazza." Louis intertwines their fingers and looks up at the boy, showing him a genuine smile, the one that only Harry can give him.

"I never thought you would return these feelings, Lou. I feel the luckiest person on earth."

"As you should. In less than a week you get to call this Greek god your boyfriend." Louis says pointing at himself.

"What I really love about you is your modesty. It's a huge turn on." Harry says sarcastically.

"And your sarcasm actually does turn me on." Louis pushes Harry on the couch and starts to kiss him, straddling his lap. The kiss isn't innocent at all and Louis clearly wins the fight for dominance during the kiss. Louis is slowly grinding against Harry, making himself and the curly boy hard withing minutes.

"Mmh, Lou. You are such a tease." Harry moans when Louis stops grinding, wanting to feel the boy against him. Louis makes him feel so amazing. Harry is literally in heaven every time he and Louis touch each other like this. It's the best feeling in the world.

"Not now, baby. When this show is over, I will fuck you into the matrass so hard that you can't walk for days so all the people can see you got properly laid by me. I'll wreck you. Just be patient, baby." Louis licks the shell of Harry's ear after whispering those words to him.

Harry was already turned on like crazy but Louis talking dirty to him literally drives him crazy.

"You better keep that promise, Tomlinson. Now I have to go to my room with a fucking boner to get ready for that campfire. About the campfire, what do you think it is about? We weren't supposed to have it today."

"I have honestly no idea, babe. I'm not going to lie, I don't really care. It might be about Eleanor but it's not like I am planning to stay with her so she can do whatever she wants. I made my choice and that's you my curling iron. I just hope she doesn't do it again because I really want to break up on good terms and not in a screaming match. What about you?"

"Well obviously I want to be with you too, shortlegs so if it's Taylor cheating again I am kind of used to it and it would make the break-up easier. I mean we have had good times together as well and I'm looking for a way to break up with her that won't hurt her too much. What will you say to Eleanor?"

"I'm going to be honest with her because I never lied to her once in our relationship and I also don't intend to end it lying. I will thank her for the beautiful times we had together and that I forgive her for cheating on me, I really do but that we are not going to work anymore but I still care and that if she still wants to be friends I am open to that and I'll always be there for her, supporting her future relationships but that I fell in love with someone else and that I honestly can only see my future with them."

"Do you mean that?" Harry's heart is beating like crazy. Louis sees a future together. He couldn't have asked for something better because Harry really wants a future with Louis so badly. He planned the boy into his future since the first day where the boy just jumped on his back and fell into the water. Louis was really love at first sight for Harry. He never thought Louis would ever feel the same. He had always hoped Louis and him would stay friends after the show but now they will be more, they will be actual boyfriends. Louis will be Harry's first boyfriend and he hopes he will be his last.

"Of course, Hazza. It's you, babe. We just have to wait a little while because I can't be official with you as long as I am with El but when that's over it's just you and me, I promise. Now, kiss me you fool."

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