Chapter 31

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"This is fucking bullshit!" Zayn curses, speaking for the first time ever.

"Excuse me?" Niall says.

"That's not the game! That's not how it works. This is the aim of the whole fucking game. You cheat, get cheated on and buckle everything up till the end. If you are weak, don't participate. You know this shit can happen. I'm sorry but I will not vote yes and I don't see why I had to be on this campfire. The only thing I saw is Perrie thinking I don't care about her. She' s full of bullshit. Louis caring about El? Has she fucking eyes? He is clearly a fag."

Fag, that word again. Louis can't stand it. He is already full out crying and Zayn's reaction doesn't really help. He really needs to talk to Eleanor. He doesn't want her to feel guilty and just enjoy her last few days there. He can't have her like this. He needs those four yesses.

"Don't call him that." Harry sisses, protectively pulling Louis towards him.

"Can we just go back?" Zayn is clearly annoyed.

"Zayn, please..." Louis begs, really wanting to talk to Eleanor.

Zayn shakes his head. "No, no I am not going to vote yes." Zayn storms off, walking back to the auto bus and Louis cries even harder.

"Look, Louis. The boys don't have to vote till tomorrow morning. Just go get some rest and talk to Zayn tomorrow, yeah?"

Louis nods and gives Niall a small smile.

"Yeah, thanks Niall."

Harry grabs Louis' hand leading him back to the car. They immediately go to the seats they were sitting earlier and Harry takes Louis in his arms, trying to calm him down.

The second they are back Harry leads him Louis to his room, holding him close to his chest.

"You will be okay, baby. El will be okay as well, please stop crying." Harry whispers.

"It hurts to see her like this so much." Louis' sobs are loud and it's breaking Harry's heart.

"I can imagine, baby but just know that this isn't your mistake, yeah? You didn't do anything wrong." Harry is playing with Louis hair and gives it a small kiss from time to time.

"It is. It was my idea to participate with this stupid show and now she wants to cut again. I messed up her fucking mental health. She has been clean for five years."

"Do you regret participating?" Harry's voice is barely a whisper and without thinking Louis answers.

"Yes, of course. It fucking ruined her. "

The words just slip his mouth and realises what he said when he sees Harry's watery eyes.

"No, no Harry not like that! That's not what I meant. I don't regret meeting you, not a second. You know how I feel about you. Don't do this please. I'm glad I have you, it's just... I wish it was under other circumstances, babe. It has nothing to do with you."

"Nothing to do with me?" Harry looks like a lost puppy and honestly it does piss Louis off.

"Actually this has really nothing to do with you, Harry. Not everything has to do something with you. This is not even about me, this is about Eleanor who is on the wrong path only because I wanted to make our relationship a bit more excited. This is about a girl that I actually care about quite a lot being miserable and I'm here, not being able to do anything so Harry please stop making this about you. I really like you and want to be with you but I can't deal with this right now as well. Now can you please just hold me in your arms, cuddle and shut up because I need you, curling iron."

Harry smiles weakly, holding Louis in his arms tightly.

"I'm sorry, Lou. You are right. I'm here for you, always will."

"Good, Hazza. I'm always here as well for you. I love you."

The words slipped easily out of Louis mouth and he means them. He loves Harry so much and he wants the boy to know that even when Louis sometimes pushes him away and says things he doesn't really mean in a tone he doesn't want to use, he really truly loves him and he needs him by his side. He is extremely in love with the curly lad and sometimes it's hard for Louis to show his true feelings because it's all new to him but he does, he really does and Harry deserves to know how Louis feels about him.

"Really, Lou?"

"Yes. I don't lie about that. I don't just say I love you if I don't mean it. I love you and I just want to be together with you, just now El needs me and I really want to talk to her but that doesn't mean my feelings for you change. It's you, babe. I love you. It's just that now El is my priority. I can't have her be in that state again. We went through hell. I need to fight for her now, Hazza, I need to focus on her now until I know she is fine. Her safety is the most important now, I can't be selfish now. I have to talk to her and make her feel better again. I guided her last time. I need to see her, I will never forgive myself if something happens to her."

"You really care a lot about her..."

"Obviously, Hazza. I will always care about her, even if we wouldn't be on speaking terms. She has been there for seven years, my whole youth. She has helped me through things and I helped her through things. I love you but that doesn't mean I don't care about her. I want her to be okay, babe that's all."

"Yeah, sure."

"Don't be like that. I just told you that I love you for the first time and you didn't even return it so if someone can be grumpy it's me."

"I show you every single second of the day how much I love you, Lou."

"And I don't?"

"That's not what I meant."

"That's exactly what you meant. You think you love me more than I love you, right?"

"Don't put words in my mouth that I didn't say."

"What? Like I love you?"

"Jesus, Lou. Are you pissed because I didn't say it back?"

"I'm pissed because you asked if I meant it, like it's impossible I'm able to love you. I think I proved quite a lot as well what you mean to me."

"I don't say you didn't."

"I think we shouldn't sleep together tonight."

"What? Louis..."

"I mean it, Harry."

Harry. No Haz, or Hazza or babe, no, Harry. This is bad.

"Why are we fighting again?"

"We will be fine tomorrow. I'm sorry, it's also not completely you. I'm really stressed right now and I'm not thinking clearly. I'm worried to death about El. So please, just give me this night alone okay? I love you, I really do, but I need some space to think and..."

"Think? About us?"

"Let me talk, Harry. Not about us. I think I made it very clear how I feel about us. I need to think about the situation with El and Haz you know I always want you near me but this is something I need to figure out by myself. Now please come to the bathroom with me, there are no camera's so I can kiss you."

Harry follows Louis to the bathroom and the older boy kisses Harry.

"Don't worry, we will be fine. Just wait for me, yeah? I'm figuring this out and then after the show it's just us. Love you, Hazza. See you tomorrow, yeah? Come get me for breakfast?"

"Sure, Lou."

Head down Harry leaves the room, feeling he is already losing Louis before he even got him.

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