Chapter 23

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The next morning both boys wake up in each other's arm on the small couch in the Hiding room, covered under a single person blanket. Louis can't help but kiss the curly boy next to him awake. He wants to feel his lips as much as possible. The amazing feeling will be over the minute they walk out of that door again and this time for real. He doesn't really want to lower himself to Eleanor's level. But with Harry it's different anyway. The thing they have going on isn't really cheating. Harry just helped Louis to feel a bit better again. They are just really good friends.

"Good morning, babe." Louis mutters after unlocking his lips.

"Mmmh, I like waking up like this. Kiss me again." Louis chuckles and does as told, enjoying how their lips are moving in synch, how Harry's hands are in his hair and how just the whole world seems to disappear and it's only harry harry harry.

"Did you sleep okay, Lou?" Harry asks, lips red and swollen.

"Thanks to you I did. Thank you for yesterday. Thank you for always. I couldn't imagine being here without you. You're my favourite person."

Harry bites his lip and after pecking Louis quickly. The smaller boy is so cute and Harry just loves to hear that he means as much to the smaller boy than that the smaller boy does to him.

"You're mine too. Lou... Could we just... Maybe one more time? Before we leave the room?" Harry looks nervously at Louis and the older boy doesn't even need to think for a second. "Yes, yes we can."

It's two hours later when both boys are sitting around the pool with the others. Louis feels miserable and now he is not kissing with Harry his mind is only Eleanor, Eleanor, Eleanor.

"What is going to happen now between you and Eleanor?" Brianna asks Louis, handing the boy a bottle of water.

The question wakens Harry's attention. Brianna is exactly asking the thing that Harry was too scared for.

"I honestly don't know. I wish I could just say that we are over but... I want to talk to her first. This is seven years we are talking about and I know there is no right excuse she can give me for doing what she did but I don't want to just throw it all away. She hurt me so unbelievable hard and I feel so betrayed. I never thought she would do this to me. This is just so not Eleanor and I really want to know why she did it. I'm not making some huge decisions right now. I'm not thinking clearly, I'm heartbroken and I haven't heard El's side of the story." Louis' voice is soft but determent. He means every single word. He wants to know what was going on inside El's head. Will he ever forgive her? Probably not. Will he keep staying in this relationship? Maybe. It feels trusted. Their relationship has been literally Louis' whole life. Does he want to hear an explanation? Hell yes.

Harry who was holding Louis' hand lets go off him immediately when he hears the words leaving Louis' lips.

"Louis, are you serious?" The curly lad asks.


"Would you be willing to start over again with her if she gives you a good explanation?"


"You are joking right?"


"She broke your heart, that's why! She cheated on you, Lou. She hurt you! She showed the whole fucking country that she is an unfaithful whore!"

Harry doesn't know why but he feels so pissed off when he even thinks about Louis taking El back. He shouldn't do that. He is way too precious.

"Don't call her that, Harry."

"I'm just stating facts."

Louis feels anger boiling inside him. Obviously he is hurt about what El did and he knows that Harry just wants to look out for him but it doesn't give him the right to talk like that. Officially Eleanor is still Louis' girlfriend and a best friend doesn't talk about the other's girlfriend like that. It hurts Louis. Although El hurt him a lot, she has always been good to Louis before and he will not let anyone talk about her like that, also not Harry that means the world to him.

"You have three seconds to apologise."

"I won't apologise, Lou. I'm right. She cheated on you on national tv and here you are defending her? How whipped are you?"

Harry wants to cry. He can't believe after everything they have been through and after everything El has done to Louis, the smaller boy is siding with her now.

"I know she cheated on me, Harry! You don't need to fucking remind me every five seconds. I've seen the video, it's burnt in my memory! I don't need your fucking reminders. Yes she cheated on me, Harry but that's one mistake against a happy relationship of seven years! You can't blame me for wanting to talk to her and not just give up. She has been in my life forever and she has helped me through dark times. I won't let you talk bad about her, for sure not in front of the whole fucking country. You are my friend, Harry. You are my best friend and the one person I trust here. You are the one that I need the most right now. I need you to just hug me and listen to me and be there for me. I don't need you to fucking talk bad about the girl that I have been together with for seven years. I don't need you to remind me I've been cheated on. You don't need to put that fucking salt in my wounds. It's fine that you give your opinion, Harry and I would have probably asked for it even if we would have been just alone in our rooms or the hiding room. I even need your opinion because I fucking trust you and currently you are the only one that I trust besides my family. What I don't need Harry is for you to judge me or the girl I have been loving for 7 years. That fucking sucks. And the fact that you just shouted this in front of everyone here, in front of the camera's for everybody to see hurts me the most. Because you may see her as this evil person, but she is not. She has friends watching this show, her mother watches this show. Her mother that's an amazing, sweet and caring person. I care about her mother and I can't imagine the pain she will feel if she sees some random guy calling her daughter a whore on tv. You went too far. Even if it was to protect me, you went too far.

Now we are fighting as well. You are the one fucking person I needed right now and we are like this. Because probably losing my girlfriend isn't enough. "

"Lou, I'm..."

"Save your sorry. I'm going to my room. I want to be alone. Please, nobody follow me. Also not you, Harry. "

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