Chapter 45

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The boat party hasn't become a party at all. Louis had locked himself up in the toilet and just cried, Harry hasn't talked to anyone either, Liam was talking to the girls about the fish he had caught but released again later and Zayn hasn't moved an inch, still listening to his own music.

After the boat party the dream date started. Louis and Danielle went together to a fancy restaurant and right now they are getting dropped off at the hotel. It only takes a few minutes for Kendall and Harry to arrive as well, but Louis doesn't pay attention. He just takes the key card, his small suitcase and goes to the elevator, not even looking at Kendall or Harry. Even though Harry didn't have a choice, after what Kendall said on the boat it drove Louis crazy that the pair were going to a fancy restaurant together. For sure they would have talked about something. Probably they were just both gossiping about how annoying Louis is. Louis wouldn't be surprised.

"Louis?" Harry runs up to the feathery haired guy, quickly making his way into the elevator. This is probably the only time that he will get with Louis in private.

"Harry, don't do this please."

"I love you, Lou."

"I love you too, that makes me hurt even more Harry. The fact that I fucking love you and I don't see myself stop loving you anytime soon."

"We should talk."

Louis' heart stops beating. Is Harry going to officially break up with him? Admitting that yes he wants to marry Taylor and no he isn't really gay, he was just confused? Louis doesn't want to hear that. He can't hear that, not today. He has had enough pain for the day.

"Not now. I'm tired and I really want to go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a tiring day as well."

"Louis please... At least let us have a drink at the bar? I know it's together with the girls but..."

"No, Harry."

"Louis, please?"


"It's just a drink. Come on. It's late now, there won't be any other people. Just the four of us. Please, Lou?"

Louis sighs. He hates it that he never can really say no to Harry. How is it possible? Look at his dimples and his cute curly hair, those gorgeous green eyes.

"Fine, I'll ask Danielle. We'll see you at the bar in half an hour. Don't think this changes anything between us though, Harry. You are still walking around with an engagement ring for another woman and as long as you are, there is no us."

"I'll see you at the bar, Lou." Harry says ignoring the question.

The elevator stops and Louis walks out, opening the door of his room. Danielle is already there.

"Is there only one bed?" Louis asks, eyebrow risen.

"Yes, but it's fine yeah? We are friends."

Louis shakes his head.

"No, it's not respectful towards Ha... The person that I love. They won't like it." Louis quickly corrects himself, knowing that Danielle is wearing a microphone.

"Come on, Lou. Don't you want to cuddle?"

And really, Louis does want to cuddle. Today has been a horrible day and he could use some comfort now. He still has half an hour before going to the bar so that should be enough.

"A cuddle sounds good, Dani. Can we do it now, though? Because I'm not planning on sleeping in the same bed as you but I don' t feel fabulous and I could use a hug. We only have like twenty minutes though. I told Harry we would join Kendall and him for a drink at the bar."

Danielle nods, laying down on the bed and opening her arms.

"Come here, you big teddy bear!"

Louis does as told and takes place next to Danielle on the bed, laying his head on her chest.

"Ieuwl, boobs." He jokes.

"Shut up, Tomlinson. I'm hugging you. You should thank me."

Louis only nods. Yes Danielle is hugging him but it isn't really comforting. There is no manly smell, no curls that are in his face, no strong arms holding him protectively, no love.

It only takes five minutes for Louis to move away. He doesn't want to cuddle anyone else than Harry. He desperately hopes that the boy makes the right decision. He really wants to be with him, only him.

"Already done cuddling?" Danielle asks.

Louis nods. "Yeah, thanks though. It was nice." He lies politely.

"Any time, Lou. So what's going on between you and Harry? You haven't spent a second together on the boat."

Louis shakes his head, pointing to her microphone. Danielle nods understandingly and turns it off.

"Yes, you are free to talk now."

"He was thinking about proposing to Taylor. We are having a huge fight about it. Technically we aren't even together right now and it sucks because I really do miss him but I can't stand the fact that he might go on one knee for that stupid blond curly bitch."

"Aren't you guys a couple?"

Louis nods. "Yeah, or at least we were. At the moment we are on a break until Harry has figured his shit out. He wants to break up with her straight after though. It's not like he will propose because he loves her, he just doesn't want to embarrass her on television."

"That's bullshit, Lou and you know it." Danielle says.

Louis just shrugs.

"I know Harry does love me though. He really does love me. I'm so sure about it. It's only, Dani am I clingy?"

Danielle shakes her head.

"What's that for a question, Louis?"

"Kendall told me that I'm a clingy stalker towards Harry. Please be honest, am I?"

Danielle sighs.

"Look, Lou. You guys are both clingy, it's not just one of you. Harry literally wanted to kill me every time I came near you. You kinda share that, being clingy."

A small smile appears on Louis' face. Although he said to Harry that it is annoying, he loves it when he gets jealous. It shows a form of care. Eleanor never really was jealous when Louis talked to other girls or something.

"What's on your mind? Why are you smiling?"

"Harry. Even though I'm angry with him, he is always the reason for my smile. I truly love him Danielle. I think I'm going to talk to him after we had a drink. I just want to understand him. He also asked me to talk. Maybe he realised that he is hurting me and that he truly loves me. I really hope that's it, Dani. If he is going to tell me that he wants to marry Taylor I might just crash."

"I don't think that to be honest, Lou. He has been looking at you all day with those sad heart eyes. You will be fine. Let's go to the bar, huh, waiting for your man to arrive."

Louis' heart skips a beat. Harry is his man, he only hopes Harry realises that as well.

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