Chapter 56

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Louis is sitting on the balcony, enjoying the beautiful view in front of him. A big smile is plastered on his face when he thinks about the past three weeks. He didn't know a love like this existed and he realises he is so lucky that he got the chance to find it. Harry is everything Louis ever wanted and needed in his life. His thoughts got interrupted when he hears Taylor speaking. The glass must be really tin if he can still hear the conversation from outside. He doesn't want to eavesdrop but he can't help it that he just hears the conversation.

"I can't believe you are with a boy, Harry. El told me that she thought Louis was gay. Did he turn you gay?"

Louis rolls his eyes. Like someone can be turned gay. You are born that way bitch.

"Actually I knew already I was gay before Louis. I have always been attracted to boys, I just never wanted to admit it out loud, thinking that if I don't say the word, it's not true. Louis is the first boy I fell in love with though. I think Louis is the first person I actually fell in love with, I'm sorry Tay."

"So you weren't in love with me?" Louis can hear how breakable her voice is. He feels bad for the girl. Only three weeks ago Harry was talking about marriage and now he admits that he was never in love with the girl.

"I did love you and care about you. I just never felt the fireworks like I do now every time Lou and I kiss. I'm so sorry. I really wanted to make us work, Taylor. I swear I did plan on marrying you. I didn't know I would find my one true love here."

Louis can't be happier when he hears Harry calling him his one true love. His stomach is attacked by butterflies. He is so head over heals for the boy sitting inside.

"Can I kiss you one more time?"

And immediately Louis' mood goes from happy love bird to an angry bird. Taylor is asking what?

"I don't think that's a good idea, Tay."

"Why not? Just want to feel your lips one more time, Harry. Please let me kiss you one more time."

Louis' blood is boiling and he can't help but turn around and look now through the glass door that is splitting Harry and him now.

Taylor is leaning in, getting closer to Harry. Louis already feels tears appearing in his eyes. Harry is not going to do this, that's impossible. Harry loves him. He would never hurt him like that.

"Taylor, I said no. I won't do this to Louis. It would crush him if he ever finds out."

"He doesn't have to find out."

"Then it would crush me because I'm lying to the one person I never want to lie to. This is not happening, Taylor. I am in a happy relationship with the boy of my dreams. I'm not going to fuck that up because you want one more kiss as a closure. I'm sorry. I think it's better you leave now."

Louis' heart is filled with pride for his boyfriend. Harry really chose him again. Even when it's behind Louis' back, Harry picks him. How badly Louis wants to enter the room and kiss the curly lad. He is so in love with him. Louis decides to move away from the door again, leaning on the railing of the balcony. He breaths in the fresh air of Thailand. Tomorrow he is in Doncaster again. He is really nervous about his family's reaction.

"You're in such a deep thoughts, my love." Harry enters the balcony, hugging Louis from behind and kisses his cheek. He hides his face in the crook of Louis' neck, taking in his smell. Louis' smell is intoxicating.

Louis places his hands on top of Harry's.

"Was thinking about you and how much I love you, babe." His fingers are playing with Harry's, intertwining them in the end.

"Mmm, I love you too." Harry pecks his shoulder.

"How was your talk with Taylor? Are you friends?"

Harry shakes his head.

"She wanted me to kiss her one last time. I told her I don't want that, that I have you and I'm not risking anything I have just because she wants to kiss. Those lips are yours, Lou, only yours."

Louis turns around, facing the curly haired boy.

"Then I think I'm going to claim them."

Louis leans in, pressing his lips against Harry's. The kiss is slow and passionate and the beautiful Thai night sky makes the setting even more romantic.

"I'm so scared for what's going to happen tomorrow, Lou. I'm so scared that my parents are going to hate me, that I won't have any friends left. I'm so scared about people judging me and hating me. I'm scared that people at uni won't want to talk to me just because I fell in love with a guy on a tv show. I'm scared to death to go back to the UK, Lou. I am so fucking scared." Harry whispers against Louis' lips.

"But knowing that you are by my side and never going to leave makes it all worth. It gives me the courage that I need. I have been scared to come out since I was sixteen. But having found true love now has made it so easy. Thank you, Lou. Thank you for making me feel like I can be myself. I never could." A tear is escaping from the corner of Harry's eye and Louis wipes it away with his thumb.

"I love you so much, Harry. Whatever is going to happen back in the UK, we have each other right? As long as we have each other we will be fine. Haters, the media, our families, we will get through it. We will always get through it, you and I. You can always be yourself around me, has. That's how I love you the most, you being yourself. I don't need any other crazy version. You are crazy enough as it is, and I'm crazy about you. I've been denying being gay for like ten years now, genuinely convinced that I would never fall in love with a guy. But I didn't just fall in love with any guy, I fell in love with you, Hazza and it's just the best fucking feeling in the world. We get through this." Louis takes Harry's hand, intertwining their fingers before kissing his lips. It will be hard being back home, but Louis is sure they will survive. There is no way that a love like this doesn't survive.

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