Chapter 10

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"Where the fuck are we even!" Harry screams when they are in the middle of nowhere, the other groups not even near to where they are.

"How do I know, Harry? It's not like my daily routine is hanging out on an island in fucking Thailand you know." Louis says calmly back, sarcasm clearly shown.

"You are giving me the wrong directions."

"No, you don't listen to me."

"You said left."

"I told you, the other left."

"That's fucking right."

"I know it is right, Harry but you don't listen to me."

"Don't even think you are slightly funny."

"Don't think you are slightly amusing."

"Just shut up, Louis."

"Piss off."


"GUYS!" Danielle says frustrated, hands in her hair. "It's not like we are going to go the right way if you keep fighting here. Maybe someone else should try?" the brunette suggests.

"Yeah, Louis go to the back. I knew Kendall should have just stayed with me in the front."

"You are the one sending her back."

"Hannah Montana once said that everybody makes mistakes and everybody has those days."

"Quoting Hannah Montana, what are you, 5?"

"Okay, I'm done with the two of you. Harry, Louis to the back. Kendall you take the map, I'll drive." Danielle jumps out of the car and waits patiently for Harry to leave the driver seat.

"I'm not the problem, Louis is. I can perfectly drive!" Harry protests.

"Louis can't read a map, you can't drive. I'm quite sure we killed a cat on the way oh and yeah... OURSELVES FOR ALMOST FIVE TIMES! Now move, Harry."

A defeated sigh leaves Harry's mouth and he goes to the back of the car, Louis sitting next to him with his arms crossed. Both boys are pissed at each other and aren't saying a word to the other.

"Here we are!" Kendall says after a 30 minute drive.

"We weren't that far off, guys." Danielle says.

Louis and Harry both leave the car without saying a single word to each other. Louis goes up to Danielle, grabbing her hand and leaving in front of Harry and Kendall. He doesn't want to deal with the curly lad and his slut.

"Louis, chill." Danielle says when she feels the hand around her arm.

"I am chill. I just want to talk to you alone, not with them."

"Not with Harry? Again? What's going on between the two of you?"

Louis looks at Danielle but shakes his head, mouthing to her that he won't say anything about Harry when she wears microphones. Danielle nods understanding, takes her microphone and drops it on the ground, making it look like an accident.

"Now, talk to me Tomlinson."

"I don't know. It's already our second fight today and it honestly bothers me. He is an amazing guy and I really enjoy his company. He is my best friend here and I honestly don't know what I should do without him but sometimes he has those reactions and he is just so rude and it actually hurts me because I care about that idiot."

Danielle nods understanding.

"I get where you are coming from. I do have my theory though..."

"What? Please tell me. I'm kind of desperate to know why he acts like this."

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