Chapter 20

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"Did you guys just come out of the hiding room?" Liam asks when the boys enter the breakfast table.


"What were you doing there so early?" He asks suspiciously.

"Well obviously hiding, Payno." Louis snaps before taking a bite from his croissant.

"Why would you hide now?"

"Why would you keep asking questions?" Louis bites back.

"I was just wondering because yesterday night the two of you..."

"We fell asleep over there." Harry lies casually. "We just went there to pick some stuff up that we forgot."

"I say you two going in like 45 minutes before."

"Jesus, we were just there for a bit because we are heaving a fucking hang over dude and our heads are hurting. Your bullshit is not helping. Can you just shut the fuck up. Why is it such a big deal that we were staying a bit in the hiding room. It's meant for peace and quiet and that's what we wanted to have after a fucking hangover okay. I didn't fancy the whole UK watching me die in bed." Louis is really pissed off now and he can't stand the boy with the extremely short hair.

"I'm sorry. I was just curious."

"Well don't be."

"Lou..." Harry tries to come in between.

"Whot." Louis' accent really comes up when he is pissed off.

"Relax, it's no big deal okay." The curly boy puts his hand on Louis' lower back and the older boy calms down visibly.

"I'm sorry, Liam. I'm just stressed for the campfire tonight. I have a bad feeling. I shouldn't have put it out on you." Louis apologises. Harry looks proudly at the boy and he loves how much influence he has on him. He knows that Louis wouldn't have apologised if it wasn't for Harry.

"I'm sorry too, Tommo. Want to hang around at the pool after breakfast?" Harry and Louis both nod and the three of them take place on the sunbeds, soon being accompanied by some of the seducers.

The boys are sitting in the car that leads them to the campfire. Louis is sitting next to Harry and his head is resting on the smaller boys' shoulder. Harry has Louis' hand in his, trying to calm the smaller boy down. Louis is stressing so much that it's just painful to watch. The boy looks like he could throw up any minute.

"Boo, everything will be fine." Harry whispers in Louis' ear. "Whatever happens, you will be fine. I'll be by your side, okay?" He quickly pecks Louis' hair and Louis gives the curly lad a smile.

"I'm honestly really scared, Hazza. Maybe it's because...." Louis is doing the sign from 'between us' and Harry gets it. He only nods at the boy and gets himself closer to Louis' ear.

"What happened has nothing to do with El, babe. We didn't cheat, okay? It was a two time thing and we both know it's not going to happen. It's not like we are having an affair right? It was just friends helping each other out. It only happened because we are really close."

"Yeah, I know. It's not only that though. The words that Max said are playing in my head. He was implying that El and him fucked and..."

"I'm sure it's a lie. He wanted to spur you up and it clearly worked. Don't get yourself worked up, Lou. As long as there is no proof nothing happened, right?"


"Smile, please?" Harry pouts at Louis and what else can the older boy do than obey that sweet creature in front of him? Louis smiles and cuddles closer into Harry's chest, feeling save over there.

"That's what I like to see. Your smile is gorgeous."

"You are gorgeous." The words slip out of Louis' mouth and Harry can't help but blush. A boy as hot as Louis Tomlinson just called him gorgeous. Harry doesn't understand that this makes him fluster while he literally had his dick in his mouth a couple hours before.

"Boys! Welcome back at the campfire!" Niall smiles at the four boys and they all return a smile back.

"How are we feeling? Zayn? Want to answer me or should I skip you?" Niall jokes.

"Skip me."

Niall's jaw drops from the quick answer of the raven haired boy. "Oh... Okay that was clear euhm Liam how are you doing?"

"I am okay. I'm a bit nervous though because now we are really into the game and it's not the beginning anymore but I do trust Maya."

"Aw, that is sweet. Harry, curly dude, what about you?"

Harry chuckles with the new nickname.

"I'm really good, Niall. Actually I've never been better before." Harry can't help but secretly smile at Louis and give him a wink. The older boy notices and quickly looks at the side, hiding his blush.

"And what about you, Louis?"

"I'm really nervous. I don't know why I am but I just have a bad feeling. I'm not near as relaxed as last time."

"Well Louis? Do you want to see your video first then?" Niall asks.

Louis nods.

"Well, I have bad news for you. You are the last one."

"You are a dick, Niall." Louis jokes.

"Heard that before. We are starting with Zayn."

Niall hand over the tablet to him and everybody watches on the small screen.

The same happens with Liam and Harry, all of their girlfriends being good and loyal.

"Okay, Louis. Here is your video."

Louis sees El together with that Max in the pool. They are laughing and Max touches her bum, El allowing it. It makes Louis' blood boil.

But that image was nothing compared to the following one.

El, in bed, riding Max while moaning out his name on live tv.

And it feels like Louis' world just all comes crashing down that second. The one thing he has been fearing all day, just happened, he saw it happening, El cheated on him, embarrassing him on fucking national tv. El slept with another man in front of the whole fucking United Kingdom.

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