Chapter 58

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It was a long flight but Harry and Louis definitely had fun. Now they just landed at London Heathrow, and they collected their luggage.

"Should I wait for you until your parents are here?" Louis asks, sitting down next to Harry.

"It's 1 in the night, Lou. You should go home and rest. Also, aren't your parents going to pick you up?"

Louis shakes his head.

"No, I have my car here. I will drive myself. I'll wait with you, Haz. I don't like it when you are all alone in the middle of the night. No, I'm not leaving you. I'll wait." Louis grabs Harry's hand and kisses his cheek.

"Thanks, Lou. You are the best."

It's half an hour later and Harry has tried to call his mother a few times, but she doesn't answer.

"What if someone happened on the way here?" Harry panics. "Or what if they don't want to come and pick me up?" Harry is shaking and Louis hugs his boyfriend.

"It will be okay, Haz. Check your phone again. Maybe they tried to call you or text you." Harry nods and takes his phone. He feels relieved when he sees he has one voicemail of his mother.

Harry, I suggest you look for a hotel in London for the night. There is a train to Manchester in the morning and from there you can take the bus home. You were supposed to drive home with Taylor but the poor girl booked holidays in Spain and won't come to Holmes Chapel tonight. We'll see you tomorrow.

Harry looks at the screen of his phone, a single tear leaving his eye.

"What's wrong love?"

"They are not coming, I euh, I was supposed to carpool with Taylor but she isn't going back to Holmes Chapel. I have to find a hotel and tomorrow I'll take the public transport home."

Louis shakes his head.

"That's not going to happen, babe. You just come home with me and I'll drive you to Holmes Chapel tomorrow. Is that okay?" Louis pushes a stray of hair behind Harry's ear and kisses his forehead.

"I don't want to bother you, Lou."

"You are my boyfriend, Harry. It's your fucking job to bother me." Louis jokes, pulling the boy on his lap.

"Are you sure that it's fine? What will your parents say?" Harry's eyes are scared and Lou doesn't know how to answer that question.

"I honestly don't know what my mom will say. But we will figure it out. It's 2 o'clock in the night and we are in the middle of London. I'm not going to let you here alone by yourself in a hotel. That's not going to happen. Come on, love. I'll take you with me to Doncaster and tomorrow I drive you. Don't worry about it, okay? I really want to do this." Louis kisses Harry's lips softly, reassuring the boy that it is really fine.

The boys only have walked for a minute towards the car when they hear loud sobs.

"I'm so sorry, mom! Please pick me up! I know I made a mistake but I don't know where to go now!"

Louis looks up when he hears that voice. Eleanor is sitting on a bench, tears falling down from her face.

"Eleanor? Are you okay? Is Helena going to pick you up?" Louis asks.

Eleanor only shakes her head, not knowing what else she has to say to her ex-lover.

"Don't you have the key of our flat here in the city?"

"I left it at my parent's place, not wanting to lose the key in Thailand. Do you have your key?"

Louis shakes his head. 

"Look, I'll drive you. Just... Don't start any fights okay? Harry is driving with us as well."

"Are you serious, Louis? Are you willing to drive me?"

Louis only nods. Eleanor has said some really hurtful things, and has done things that Louis will never forgive but she is still a 20 year old girl alone in the middle of London at night. She shouldn't be left alone. That's not how Jay raised Louis. If something would happen to her, knowing Louis could have prevented that, the feathery haired boy would never forgive himself.

So now they are on the high way. Louis is driving, Harry is sitting next to him and Eleanor is in the back. Nobody says a word. One because it's just awkward, sharing a car with your ex and your boyfriend and two because they are all tired. It's Eleanor who is the first that starts speaking.

"I'm really thankful that I can drive with you guys. I wouldn't be surprised if you would have just left me. I think honestly I would have left you there if it was the other way around, Louis." Eleanor admits.

"That's exactly the difference between us then, isn't it El?"

"Yeah, yeah it is. You've always been the better person, also during our relation."

Harry feels really awkward when the girl starts about the relationship she had with his boyfriend. And Louis notices the look on Harry's face. He puts one hand on his knee and squeezes it, giving the boy a small smile and mouthing an 'I love you'.

"The relationship is not there anymore. We shouldn't mention it. It's in the past. I'm with Harry now."

Eleanor doesn't say a word and just leans her head against the window, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.


After a few hours they finally reached Doncaster. After dropping Eleanor off, both boys enter Louis' house. It's been a while for Louis himself that he has been there as well.

"Are you sure that your family is okay with me staying here? I mean, I'm the boy that..." Louis cuts his boyfriend off by pressing his lips against Harry's plumb pair.

"You have nothing to worry about, love. My house is your house. Now, let's go to my room. The walls are quite tin and I don't want to wake up my family." Louis leads Harry to his childhood room and puts their suitcases in the corner. That's a worry for tomorrow.

Harry looks around and a smile covers his face. Louis' room looks exactly like Harry had imagined. A single bed that they will have to share tonight, a few posters from football players, a guitar in the corner and a few pictures on his desk.

"Who is that?" Harry asks pointing at a picture.

"That's Perrie! I met her during the LA UK project from school. It was an exchange program. I went to LA." Louis explains, looking fondly at the picture.

"That's so nice. I never left the UK, except for Thailand now."

Louis kisses Harry's lips softly.

"I'll take you anywhere you want, love. Just say the word. But now I'm going to take you to dreamland because I'm tired as fuck and I want to fall asleep in your arms."

Both boys undress themselves and fall into a deep sleep, cuddling each other. 

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