Chapter 24

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It's like a knife going through Harry's heart when he sees Louis leave. He hears the older boy sobbing and he doesn't want anything more than just follow him and hug him, apologising for the things he said but he knows now is not the right time. He knows Louis well enough by now to know when he wants to be left alone. When the feathery haired boy is out of sight, Harry starts to cry as well. Harry barely cries but since he knows Louis and he has those weird feelings it's like crying is the only thing that Harry does. Without saying a word to the others Harry storms to his room, hugging his pillow and just cries. Everything is just so empty without Louis.

Louis' tears are dry. He can't cry anymore, there are no more tears left. He just feel pain in his heart and he doesn't even know what is the worst cause: Eleanor cheating on him or the fight with Harry.

Louis might have overreacted. Maybe he shouldn't have shouted to the boy the way he did because Louis knows that Harry would never do something to hurt him intentionally. Harry is the one person he wants to trust and can trust. He feels safe with him. He loves to be around him and having those stupid little fights. He loves his hugs and his sweet words and Louis doesn't like to admit it but he loves his sweet kisses, he craves them.

This time it should be Louis that goes to Harry, hug him and hoping the boy puts his lips on Louis' forehead. Louis knows he is right, but he hurt Harry by shouting at him while Harry only wanted to help Louis, protect him from making a mistake. Yeah, Louis messed up.

Louis wants to go back to the pool until he hears loud sobs coming from a room: Harry. Louis doesn't hesitate to knock on the door, wanting to see the curly lad. He can't have made Harry cry, god no that is absolutely not what Louis wanted.

"Go away!" Harry's voice doesn't sound like normal, clearly crying and Louis feels a piece of his heart dying.

Louis ignores the orders and just opens the door, only to see a crying bunch of curls on the floor.

"Hazza..." Louis walks towards the boy and the tears that were ones fully dried are rolling down Louis' cheeks again.

"Don't cry, please." The older boy begs. He doesn't want to be the reason of Harry's tears.

"I'm sorry, Lou. You were right. I didn't think before I speak and I am just so angry with Eleanor because she hurt you. I shouldn't have called her names and I should have just apologised when you told me to."

"It's okay, baby. We are okay. I'm so sorry too. I shouldn't have shouted at you. You only tried to protect me." Louis kisses Harry's forehead so the boy knows he is forgiven.

Harry follows Louis' example and kisses Louis on the forehead as well, showing that also he is forgiven. He even doesn't have to be sorry according to Harry.

The boys just sit down on the floor and hug. When they are both calm Louis starts to talk again.

"Can I talk to you, Haz?"

"Always. What's wrong?"

"I just... I don't get it and I don't get your reaction. I mean, yeah okay you want to protect me but I didn't expect this, for sure not from you. You have forgiven Taylor... I am sorry if I shouldn't have brought it up but..."

"It's okay, Lou. No need to say sorry. I get where you are coming from. In fact I haven't forgiven Taylor. I have moved on."

"How? How did this all effect your relationship with her?"

"The trust that I once had in her? It never comes back. I don't think it will ever again. I'm just together with her and yeah I do care about her but I don't love her the same as I did before."

"Than why proposing to her? Harry why are you still with her you are so young..."

"I'm scared to be alone."

"What do you mean, be alone? Harry you are never alone. For sure not now, I will never leave your side, you know that right babe?"

"I hope you never do, Lou. I need you." Harry is leaning on Louis' shoulder and Louis plays with his curls, twirling them around his little finger. He has never seen Harry this vulnerable and it does something to him. He is also happy that he can talk about El's betrayal with someone, someone that has been in his shoes.

"You expressed clearly your opinion about El. But you went back yourself, babe. Why shouldn't I give El a second chance? Explain me why your reaction was so... Hard."

"I don't want you to go through what I went through. I don't want you to feel how I felt, still feel. I don't want all of this for you, Lou. I know the pain it brings with it. You start to doubt yourself, questioning that maybe you were the reason she started to cheat, that you did something wrong. Even though it's not your mistake, you start to blame yourself. After blaming yourself you will still feel depended on that person, feeling the need to be with them because they are a part of your life and even though they crashed you, took away all your self confidence, and trust and just everything, you are willing to give them a second chance. And it's not out of love, it's out of fear. Out of fear that one day you will fall in love with someone else even harder than that you were with them and the person you are together with will cheat on you as well. Fear to relive that same experience but then worse.

And after all the fighting and the crying you are back together. In the beginning everything is fine. She won't leave your side, you won't leave hers but you can't be stuck on each others side every single second and when she is not with you, you will start to think that she is with someone else. You will make up these stories in your head even if she is only going to the supermarket to buy milk. Every single second you will wonder if she maybe is with that other person again. It drives you insane, Louis. It drives you completely mad and I can't let you go through that. I can't let you be hurt like that. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to be loved properly by someone that will never hurt you like that. You don't deserve all of that, babe. You just deserve the world."

Louis is silently crying, slowly going over the words again that Harry just told him.

"Baby, why are you doing this to yourself. Why are you staying with her? You deserve so much better too."

"I don't deserve that."

"Why not, babe? Harry?"

Harry is full out sobbing and Louis' heart is breaking to see the boy like this.

"Harry, answer me! You don't deserve this love. Why do you deserve the pain?"

"Because I'm a bad person, Louis. I am a horrible person that's just... I can't tell you. Nobody knows. Nobody can know, ever."

"You can trust me, love please I will never hate you. Tell me, Hazza. Trust me."

And something in Louis' blue eyes was comforting, trusting. It makes Harry actually believe that yes, he can trust this boy.

"I'm still with Taylor because I don't want to ruin another girls future."

"What do you mean ruin their future, Haz? Babe, you are a catch."

"I can never give them the love they deserve."

"Why not? You are so loving..."

"Louis, it's not like that."

"Then tell me!"

"I'm gay..."

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