Chapter 52

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"Louis Tomlinson? Louis Tomlinson can you follow me?" The same man arrives again at the little cabin. Zayn and Perrie had the cutest meet up and also the reunion between Maya and Liam went very well. Now it's time for Louis to see El. He doesn't know what he has to do or say. He has replayed the conversation a billion times in his head, but now when the time is there, everything he wanted to say just disappeared from his brain.

"Hey, you got this baby. I believe in you and god I love you so much." Harry whispers in Louis' ear while pulling him into a hug.

"Love you too, Hazza." Louis whispers back, slowly letting go of the boy. Harry waves at Louis as he disappears into the woods, on his way to the place the campfire is held.


"Louis! Good to see you, mate. How was the dream date?" Niall asks as the boy arrives.

"Danielle and I had a fight. It's nothing big though. We are kind of fine. For the rest it was okay."

"And how do you look at Temptation Island as an experience? I think this has been the hardest for you..."

"It wasn't easy. It has been an emotional rollercoaster but I am happy that I participated. A lot of good things happened, I have beautiful memories, I met amazing people that will stay in my life as well and it made me open my eyes about 'my relationship'. I'm ready to move on and really start my life when I am back home." Louis smiles.

"I'm happy you all took it like this man. We have someone here for you now..."

Louis doesn't even look around when he hears footsteps coming closer. He feels someone sitting next to him but still Louis focusses on the floor.

"Louis..." That voice. The voice that made Louis feel comfortable for so many years just makes him cringe right now. He hates to hear his name coming out of her mouth, it's disgusting.

"Eleanor." The venom in his voice is so clear. He can't hide his hate but still he feels like crying. He had never expected that Eleanor and him would end up like that.

"I am so sorry about everything, Louis. You know that I love you, right?"

Those words make Louis even more angry.

"You have a strange way of showing that." He snaps.

"I know what I did was wrong but Louis seeing you upset on the videos during campfire made me realise that I really love you and don't want to hurt you anymore. I can't lose you, LouLou. I made a mistake and I admit to it but I felt horrible after."

"Save your bullshit."

"We have to talk about this. Don't shut me out. Louis we have been together for seven years. Are you really going to give it all up because of a mistake that I made on a stupid tv show?"

Louis rolls his eyes. He really wants to bring up what he heard on the phone but then Harry and Zayn would be in trouble for going over there so he shuts up.

"Eleanor, Louis. We have the last videos for the two of you. They are from the last days and of course the dream date. Louis, these are Eleanor's videos." Amelia says handing the tablet over to Louis.

Louis looks at the screen. Honestly he doesn't care anymore. He isn't interested at all. He just wants this to be over so he can go to Harry. It's all Harry now in Louis' life. Eleanor can do whatever the fuck she wants.

"No, Max. I made a mistake. I love Louis!" The brunette screams at the seducer.

"You've been begging me to fuck you like every single day, you choose me as your dream date and just because you can't find a place without camera's you say this bullshit. You are disgusting, El."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. We are surrounded by camera's. You are such a hypocrite."

"I made a mistake by sleeping with you but I'm going to fight for my relationship with Louis. He is my everything."

The screen turns black and Louis can only roll his eyes.

"Begging to fuck him every day, huh?" he says, voice full of sarcasm.

"He is lying, babe."

"Sure he is."

"Who are you going to believe? Your girlfriend that you have been dating for seven years or a seducer that you made your little friend hit in the face."

"First of all, I want to make this clear, ex. You are my ex-girlfriend. There is no relationship anymore. You threw that away when you decided to fuck that seducer for the whole country to see. Second, don't bring Harry into this conversation. At least he is someone I can trust."

El doesn't know what to answer.

"Well, Eleanor. Here are the final moments of Louis." Niall hands the tablet over to Eleanor and she presses play.

There are some videos from Louis and Danielle having fun in the pool, some fragments of them going on a date and then the final video is without sound. It's when Danielle jumped on Louis' lap to kiss him.

"Wow, acting like a saint and stuff but here you are making out with that Danielle. I knew from the start that you have a thing for her. You like brunettes, huh." Eleanor scoffs, giving back the tablet to Niall.

A thing for brunettes, she should know, Louis thinks smirking to himself.

"Not that I owe you any explanation but nothing happened. She kissed me, I pushed her back off. You can ask Harry, he has witnessed it. Or you know what, don't. I know what happened and I don't really care what you think. Even if we kissed, it's nothing compared to what you have done, Eleanor. You don't have the right to judge me at all. Don't even try to pretend that you are the victim."

"You can't be angry at me for being upset when I see you sucking off some girl's face. You are my boyfriend, Louis."


"So, Louis, Eleanor. We have to ask you the final question that all the people at home would like to know: Are you leaving Temptation Island as a couple?

Before Eleanor can answer Louis speaks up.

"No, we are not. We won't even be in contact anymore back home. Eleanor and I are done. No relationship, no friendship, just strangers who share memories."

Eleanor cries hysterically but Louis doesn't care. Finally they are officially done, he is ready to share a life with his Hazza.

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