Chapter 11

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Ildri had to admit that in spite of everything it really was a beautiful day, at least when one was sitting at leisure in a shaded spot.  It was a busy time and many people where moving about after one task or another.  Ildri watched them but they paid little mind to her.

Ildri began to wonder what was taking Ty so long.  She was almost ready to get back on the horse in spite of her still aching muscles.  She supposed that it was a good thing.  Muscle pain lent a stiffness to her movements that was probably befitting of an old person.

How long would Ty make her wait?  She was starting to wonder when she heard the sound of horse hooves moving through the town.

Ildri looked up and saw the last person that she ever wanted to see again.

She instantly recognized the soldier who had been ordered to kill her even though he wore plain clothing now.  His face was imprinted upon her memory and she would know him anywhere.

He was not alone.  There were four other soldiers with him, although they were all dressed as if to blend in.  It was not particularly effective.  The busy street had become nearly deserted.

She did not look like herself, she knew.  Surely they would not know who she was, but her heart still rattled in her chest and she could feel sweat that had nothing to do with the hot day trickling down her back.  Don't look at me, she thought and at the same time she hoped that Ty would stay well out of sight.

The men split up and moved around, entering buildings and talking with the few people left on the street.  And then Ildri felt the soldier's eyes fasten upon her.  She pretended not to see and tried to look as if she belonged in the very spot where she sat.

"Good day," he said loudly as he came over to where Ildri sat.  She forced herself to look at him.

"Good day.  Can I help you, good sir?" she croaked out, trying to obscure her voice in case he recognized it.  How could he not?  Her screams were probably still ringing in his ears. 

"Perhaps you can.  We are looking for two people, an old man and a young woman.  Have you seen anyone like that?"  It seemed as if the man assumed she could not hear.

"I am just an old woman, good sir," she said slowly.

"An old woman still has eyes.  Have you seen any such people?"

She did not know what to say.  "Not very good eyes, I'm afraid.  Why are you looking for them?" she asked, not sure what to do.  Her mouth felt dry and she swallowed.

"The girl was stolen and must be rescued.  If you have information..." he said, and held up a coin.

Rescued?  Ildri was suddenly angry that they would make Ty seem like the villain in the situation.  Whatever he was, he was not the one who ordered her killed.  She decided that she would help them.

She nodded slowly.  "Well, I did remark something odd this morning."

"What is that?" he asked, clearly sceptical.

"I have travelled from the area near Waldwick with my dear grandson.  We're off to visit my newest great grandchild.  He's off buying supplies as we speak.  But you understand, good sir; that travelling is hard on a woman my age and we had to stop and rest frequently.  We only recently arrived in Valence.  We camped on the road last night and only came to this town this morning."

"What is it that you saw, old woman?" he prodded impatiently.

"Please forgive me, good sir.  My mind is not what it used to be I fear.  I also do not sleep as I used to, and there are many interruptions.  I was woken late last night where we had camped by the sound of horse hooves striking the ground.  It seemed odd that someone was travelling so late, so I looked to see what it was."

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