Chapter 54

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Lady Theresa was not in her rooms, nor in the library, nor in any of the other usual places she usually spent her time. Finally Ildri and Anya found a servant who told them that Lady Theresa was in the kitchen. They headed there directly.

Ildri pushed open the door and heard sobbing. Matt scrambled through the open door, as if he were escaping from death itself. Lady Daphne had her head on the top of the counter in her arms and was moaning between sobs. Lady Theresa had her arm around her sister's shoulder and chef was sitting with her hand on the lady's back. They both glanced up at the opening door. Ildri made a move to leave but Lady Theresa shook her head and gestured that they should wait.

"I don't think I can do this alone!" wailed Daphne suddenly, and then broke into great gasping sobs again.

Ildri stared. Had something happened to Sir Thomas? She hoped not, he had always been most kind to her and he was such a good healer. She glanced uneasily at Anya, who seemed to be trying to sink into the shadows.

"I can't raise a baby alone!" she howled.

"Sir Thomas will be fine," Lady Theresa said in a patient, kind tone. "He was only shot with an arrow in the leg, the message said that he even healed himself and is as good as new."

Lady Daphne sobbed again. "This time! This time! What about next time? What if he's shot through the heart or something? What if he can't heal himself? This baby—" her words faded into an unintelligible wail.

"It will be fine, I promise. It's just the pregnancy, Daphne. It makes things look worse than they are."

Lady Daphne lifted her head from her arms. Her face was puffy and red and she did not look like the beauty that she usually was. Her expression was fierce. "You can't promise that! Everyone's worried, even you, Theresa! Anything could happen! Anyone could die! Why can't anything ever go right? When we escaped Francine I thought we could be happy!"

"It could, but it won't. Worrying won't change anything," Lady Theresa said and exhaled sharply.

Lady Daphne howled again and threw her head back down onto the table. After a while her jerking sobs faded to little whimpers. Lady Theresa kept her arm on her sister and turned to face Ildri and Anya. "Were you looking for me or for something to eat?"

"You, my lady. Anya and I are going to go," Ildri said as evenly as she could manage.

Lady Theresa's expression was dark. She watched them with narrowed eyes. "Where will you go? Will you abandon Wildwood at this dark time?" Ildri was unsure if she meant the estate or the man, but it did not matter either way.

"Of course not. I want to go after them, after the army. I want to help! Anya does, too," Ildri explained.

Lady Theresa's eyes moved to Anya's face. "Does she?"

"I do," Anya said in a shaky voice.

Lady Theresa closed her eyes. "Don't you think you are more help, here?" she asked.

Ildri sighed. "Maybe, but I can't take the waiting any longer."

"Nor can I," Anya said. "I want to be there to help Jim if he needs me. And perhaps I can make up for some of the wrong that I have done."

Lady Theresa's violet eyes moved back to Ildri. "And why would the waiting be so hard for you?" she asked.

Ildri shifted uncomfortably. She really did not want to share her true reason. "I, uh," she began.

Lady Theresa let out a low chuckle. "Never mind. I suppose that I already know. Very well. You can go, and I will tell Lord Wildwood that it was I who gave you permission. I assume that you have a plan?"

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