Chapter 14

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Ildri's memories of the time between the fire and the old Lord Wildwood heroically rescuing her were few and far between.  She remembered a cousin who tormented her at Aunt Wendy's house and Aunt Claudia who basically ignored her most of the time, although that could have been worse.  There had been other houses too that were nothing but a shadow in her memory.

She mostly remembered feeling like an unwanted burden that was thrust about from one person to another.  It had seemed that no one had wanted her and no one had cared if she was safe or happy or loved.

It had all changed the day that the then Lord Wildwood came and found her sitting in the dirt.  She supposed that her clothes had been shabby and she had been filthy and pathetic.  She had already been five or six at that time and her parents had been gone for about two years.

She could remember that day as if it were yesterday.

The old Lord Wildwood had been riding on a mighty horse and to her innocent eyes he had looked as great and mighty as a king from the stories that her cousin told.  He looked older than her uncles and more noble and regal.  She was horribly nervous and had moved to slip into the trees.

But then he spoke and she could remember every word of the conversation.

"Don't fear, small one.  My name is Lord Wildwood and I am just seeking directions.  Could you take me to your mother or father?" he asked before she had quite made it into the trees.

She knew enough that one had to answer when a king asked a question.  "My mother and father are gone," she said.

"When will they return?" he asked kindly.

"Never," she responded.  She did not cry, at least no more than a tear escaped.  Her aunt hated it when she made a nuisance of herself.

"I am sorry," he said in a careful tone.  "Could you take me to whoever cares for you, then?"

Ildri nodded because she was afraid to say no, even though she was not sure that it was a good idea.

The great Lord Wildwood dismounted from his horse and began to walk beside her while leading the horse.  "What is your name?"

"Ildri," she told him.

"Just Ildri?"

"Just Ildri."

"I see.  Who do you belong to, Ildri?"

"No one," she said honestly.

He was looking down at her with sympathy.  "Then who do you live with?"

"Aunt Claudia, Uncle Moore and Reginald, Terrence and Saula."

"Have you lived here long?" he asked in a kind, conversational tone.

"For a while.  Since Aunt Wendy brought me here when she was done with me since I wasn't worth the effort.  She said that it was time for my mother's family to take responsibility," she told him candidly.  She had heard the words when Aunt Wendy had brought her to Aunt Claudia's.

He shook his head.  "How terrible."  He looked sad.

It had been so long since a grownup had regarded her so kindly.  She just wanted him to keep talking to her forever.  Without thinking she told him what she wanted more than anything.  "I wish that I was useful."

He nodded and somehow Ildri thought he looked even sadder.

The house was just over the bend and she pointed it out to him.

"It's a nice house," he commented.

Ildri knew that it was.  She had explored all the nearby area alone and had viewed many houses while hiding in the trees.  It was one of the nicest houses in the area, well maintained.

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