Chapter 50

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Ildri hid in her room for the rest of the day, although she tried not to think of it as such. She set herself to making potions to keep herself busy. She still needed the bloody starflowers to make the tester potion, too because they had been dropped on the ground when Saul had attacked Allan. She made a few ignition potions because they could be tested easily without it. Then she decided to write a letter to Maxine. The woman deserved to know that he was safe.

Dear Maxine,

I do not want to mention too much in this letter, but I am writing you to let you know that our mutual friend is well and safe. He is here at Wildwood while he recovers from his ordeal.

How are you faring? Since my return to Wildwood there have been a great many rumours of what the war is doing to the countryside. I really hope that you are safe.

I know that there is little chance that you can at this point, but I am certain that Lord Wildwood will welcome you if you wish to come to Wildwood. It would be wonderful to see you if you could make it.


As ridiculous as she knew it was, she spent the next few days avoiding Ty. She had missed him so much, but that was before she knew it was not meant to be. And it was depressing. Depressing to see him, yet just as depressing to avoid him.

What Ildri could not avoid was more news about troop movements and battles and all manners of rumours of wars. It seemed to be all that anyone in the castle wanted to talk about. And Ildri wanted to know, too, but it became the same thing over and over, the fear and the utter helplessness of the common inhabitants. They were safe at Wildwood, but even all the preparations and magic of the lord seemed as if it would eventually be rendered futile. It was as if they all knew that they were trapped in a safe corner and there would be only one way out.

But as hopeless as the mood of the castle became, Ildri never quite lost hope. Her life had been negative and hopeless before, but things had always gotten better. And Ildri knew that Lord Wildwood would do whatever it took to keep them safe. There were still many great and capable people free and loyal to the king. She was certain; she only had to look to her own castle to see. Chef and her husband were wizards, Allan could also do some magic in the arts of war. Lady Theresa had learned much since her marriage. Ty was within the walls, and he would never stop fighting for what he believed, she was certain. And then there was Ildri.

Ildri was more capable and independent than she had ever been. She would support the fight, too, and do what she must. She had, with a larger company of soldiers, been allowed to collect the herbs and plants she needed. Sir Allan had even brought her some starflowers a couple of days after she had returned.

Wildwood was busy, but at the same time it was held in a tense stasis.

* * * * *

Ildri was walking through the great entryway with Keziah on her shoulder when she heard a familiar voice.

"Ildri. Stop avoiding me. I want to talk to you."

Ildri spun around to see Ty standing with his arms crossed. She had not even heard him come up behind her. "Ty—I mean, my lord!" Keziah shrieked. Farrel stood patiently behind Ty, watching through intent golden eyes.

"I've had enough of this 'my lord' this and 'my lord that'. Ty is fine."

"Well, yes, but..."

"No. You will listen to me. I tire of the way you keep jumping around me as you have not done since the first night when... Do you fear me now, Ildri?" he asked.

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