Chapter 58

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The night had grown dark and cool, and Ildri shivered in spite of her best efforts not to.  She was not certain if it was because she was cold or afraid or if it was some combination of both.  Either way she was going with Ty, and she was determined not going to be a burden this time.

It was hard not to wonder if it was a mistake, though.  There were about two dozen people about to sneak in and every one of them was a warrior or a master magic user.  It seemed even Anya and Ty were able to do some magic independently, like a wizard.  The only power Ildri had was the ability to knock over bottles and accidentally set things on fire, which was a rather depressing thought.  Anya had tried to teach her a few tricks that she had learned from Jim and had reluctantly explained how to draw the magic out of a person if she had no other choice. 

Ildri's only other useful function was the amazing power to carry potions to throw at people.  And she apparently looked defenceless, since the potion making her look male had been allowed to wear off her and the other two women.  Ty was hoping it would make them safer as if they appeared less of a threat if seen but then worried that they might be in more danger after all.  Ildri got a secret delight from his concern.

Everyone had as many weapons and potions as they could carry.  Even Ildri had a knife tucked into a sheath on her leg Ty had procured somewhere.  It was a moonless, cloudy night which was perfect for their plans.

"It's time," said Ty said, and they each took a drink of their potions.  They had divided up the remaining flying potion that had brought them to the capital amongst everyone so that each person had enough to enter and escape the capital if needed.  Everyone also had some of the supersensory potion that was a combination of Maxine's rabbit supersensory and Ty's own version made with Farrel.  Finally they were all also given a potion to hide the effect of magic on them from any sensitive wizards who might be lurking in the castle.

Ty glanced at her as they waited for the potion to take effect.  "I must be mad to allow you to do this," he said as the wings sprouted from their backs.  Ildri noticed that his were larger than hers, perhaps relative to body size.

"Go," said Ty, and they flew.  At the same time on the other side of the castle Lady Theresa and half the other volunteers were probably taking flight at the same time.  They were going to the prison first to free any captives there before making their way to the castle.  She could imagine so many things that could go wrong, it made Ildri's throat close up.

They soared through the air and flew low over the town, keeping to the shadows as much as possible.  There were drunken hoards of soldiers everywhere it seemed.  Ildri assumed they were celebrating the end of the war.  Not one seemed to see them.  She hoped that the soldiers holding the castle were so lax.

They entered the castle through a window in a usually vacant guest chamber.  Ty and Lord Korves entered first and the sound of a struggle met her ears as she entered after them.  She followed them as they walked through the halls quietly.  Every footstep scuffle sounded horribly loud to her oversensitive hearing.

"They are celebrating their victory downstairs, I believe," Korves whispered.  "It sounds like the great hall."

Ty gave orders quickly.  "Korves knows this castle best.  He and I, Jim, Anya and Ildri are going to find clothing and disguise ourselves as part of the crowd.  The rest of you will search to see if any prisoners are being held in the castle, specifically the royal family.  Do not incapacitate any nobles or soldiers that you see unless certain they will not be found.  We do not want the alarm raised, we are greatly outnumbered."

"Yes, sir," said a couple of the soldiers as they departed.

They waited in an unoccupied looking room while Lord Korves went to procure them disguises.  Every second felt like an eternity before he returned.  Ildri and Anya changed into ball gowns and the men into evening wear.  Anya quickly styled their hair magically.  "Never thought that would be useful again," she commented.

"You'll have to pretend to be nobility," Korves said in an arrogant tone that sounded as if they doubted they could.  "At least you look the part."

Ildri ignored his attitude.  He was a repugnant, but at least he seemed to be reliable as well.

They made their way to the great hall, and everything was as Korves had predicted.  It glittered with all the decorations and jewellery inside.  There were hoards of people and Ildri was certain many were Edelland natives who had betrayed their king or given up the fight entirely.

"They're here," Anya whispered.

Ildri followed her line of vision and saw the king and queen sitting stiffly, surrounded by Scelian guards.  They were obviously on display, defeated.

"There's the emperor," said Ty with another glance, and he took a few drinks from a passing servant and handed them to everyone.  "Look happy people.  We're at a lovely party.  In fact, Jim, I do believe that Miss Anya there would love to dance but is just too shy to ask.  Off you go.  Dance, and get a good look at the defeated royals.  You might even laugh at their misfortune.  If you see an opportunity, take it."

"Let's dance, Anya," Jim said.  "Just follow my lead.  Never thought that having an idea of how to dance would come in handy, either."

Ty continued speaking.  "And Korves, I would think you would like to visit that lovely looking buffet table over there."

Korves smiled knowingly.  "I'm starving and I'll be there for quite some time."

Ty nodded.  "Can you dance, Ildri?"

"I guess so," she said.

"Try to sound more like a lady, love.  Most of these people are drunker than you can imagine, but they still might notice if you don't sound the part."

"Yes, you are right," she agreed.  "I'll do my best."

"Let me do most of the talking if anyone speaks to us.  If someone does talk to you, I want you to speak as if you were a shallow, brainless twit."

"Yes," she agreed.

"We're going to move closer to the emperor while we dance, Ildri.  I want them to get used to us and not suspect anything."

Ildri's eyes roamed the ballroom as Ty spun her around.  She felt afraid and breathless and worried all at once, and being in the beautiful room felt completely surreal.  Ty looked at home there as he did anywhere, he was truly amazing, she thought.  She really wished that she was a match for him.

And then everything went wrong.

There was a loud shout as a guard stumbled into the castle.  "Invaders!"

The ballroom dissolved into absolute panic as intoxicated nobility scrambled around.

"Look afraid, like you're worried that the enemy is amongst us," Ty instructed her under his breath.

It was easy to look afraid, because Ildri was already very afraid.  How would they ever escape if their presence was known?

Ildri was knocked away from Ty by a fat old man as he scurried across the room.  Ty grabbed her hand and pulled her at a run towards the door.  Then he stumbled and Ildri cried out as she was pulled down to the floor.

"Don't worry, that was intentional.  The emperor is right there, only a few feet away.  Do you trust me?"

Ildri nodded.

"Then remember to trust me and lend me your magic," he said quickly.

"How?" Ildri asked right before she found out the answer.

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