Chapter 1

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"Are you sure though?" he asked again.

"For the hundredth time kookie, yes" I said.

"But y/n-"

"Yeah I know, it's my first day here and I haven't even stepped foot in college yet and blah blah- you've said all of that about a million times already" I said.

"Yeah that. So do you think it's a good idea to go to a party where there'll be a bunch of drunk and horny strangers in their 20s?" Jungkook asked.

"Well isn't the party for all the college people?" I asked.

"Yes but-"

"And wouldn't you be there with me? You're not a stranger kookie, I've known you since diaper days." I said.

"You know I hate socializing. And people at college aren't exactly the sweet kind, as I said, a bunch of drunk and horny strangers.. for me too.. even though I've been with them for a year." he said.

"Then let me be another horny drunk stranger to them... I like meeting new people. And you are coming with me." I said.


"Shh, stop overthinking this." I put a hand on his lips, "auntie, when did Jungkook grow up? Why is he suddenly taking care of me? I used to have that role.."

Auntie chuckled, "a lot changed since we last saw you honey."

"Well, at least his bunny face is the same" I pinched his cheeks and beamed at her then at Jungkook, "except- now he's a ripped bunny.. but still a bunny."

She laughed again , "okay but jokes apart, you're going with her.. or no banana milk for you."

"Mom" he whined, "first of all, I was gonna go with her anyway, I wouldn't leave her alone. And secondly, I'm a grown 20 year old man- you can't bribe me with banana milk" he said.

"Okay so should I take it away then?" she asked.

"You wouldn't" Jungkook looked horrified.

"Okay he's still a baby who needs protection." I said and joined auntie in making fun of Jungkook.

It was true, Jungkook's entire aura had changed since I last saw him three years ago.

Our families have been super close since forever, our dads were school friends and they met our moms when they were in college. They've got super romantic love stories. They fell in love, got married, had us. Now I know that sounds cliche but I'm sparing you the details because it gets too corny.

They're all so close that they even bought houses close to each other, in Busan. But then auntie had to transfer to Seoul because of her job, and uncle realized that he couldn't let auntie live alone in a new city because he would miss her dearly, so the entire family decided to shift to Seoul.

Jungkook and I had always been very close to each other, the same way my older brother, Ji-Hoo oppa, is close to Jungkook's elder bother, SeokJin oppa.. they're the same age just like Jungkook and I are. So it's true I've known Jungkook since diaper days. We went to school together, we were in the same class, ate lunch together, got into trouble together, almost always got the same grades, played together, had the same friends.. In fact, mom told me that when we very small, we would often bathe together.. I don't like to think about that now.. it's the cringest thing ever and I totally wish that I could scrape that off my brain.

But then Jungkook shifted, in our final year of school.. Not that it impacted our friendship in any way- we would still talk to each other the entire time, still share all the gossip, still always be there for each other. We had decided to go to University together, but that kinda changed because he had to shift.
He went to the Seoul University and I ended up going to the University of Busan.
I was never an ace in studies but choosing a field of my liking really brought out the scholar in me, so much so that I transferred to the Seoul University because of good grades.

So here I am, Choi Y/N, a 20 year old, second year student who just transferred to the Seoul University. I'm probably the craziest person you'd ever meet but I guess that's a part of my charm now.. I like to think I'm funny and very cocky. People usually like me, if they don't- their loss.

Thankfully I have Jungkookie and his entire family by my side. uncle and Jin oppa helped my find a cute yet spacious apartment just two minutes from the Jeon residence. They had offered that I stay with them but I refused, I never wanted to be a burden on anyone.. even if it is the family of my best friend who is closer to me than anyone.
This means that I'm gonna have to start looking for a job too, the rent won't pay itself now would it? Mom and dad said they'd take care of my expenses, but I wanna show them that I can be responsible.

And Jungkook? Well he was definitely a muscle bunny now.. it's so weird to see him all ripped with tattoos and a hot- well, very hot body. He was growing his hair too, and obviously working out, most of the day.. and was also on the football team. In short, he looked like every teenage guy/girl's ideal type, which was evident by the number of girls who would often line up outside his house whenever he would come soaked in sweat from his football practice.
He was the sweetest person ever, wouldn't hurt a fly, but if you look at him, he usually had his resting bitch face on, something that would make you feel like he's asking you 'how dare you talk to me' ....this was the ONLY thing different in him- his tattoos, his muscles and his resting bitch face.
Okay I admit it, I feel a little weird around him now.. it's not a bad weird, not a good weird either but it's- well it's different. I don't really know how to put it but I have never felt this way around him EVER.

"Are you sure you wanna go?" Jungkook sighed.

"Just shut up and take her Jungkook" auntie said.

"Ugh fine, we're going" he said.



"I knew there'd be a but" I said.

"We'll be back early" he said.

"Yes okay-"

"And-" he said.

"Ugh you little shit" I said.

"You're not leaving my side.. the entire night" he said.

"Yeah whatever" I said and gave him a bear hug, "thank you kookieeeee"

"Shut up" he hugged me back.

"I might've bruised my jaw"I said while rubbing my lower jaw.

"Why?" He asked.

"You're like-that's rock solid" I poked his chest, "it fucking hurts."

"I was always like that" he said and poked his tongue out.

"Bitch no" I said, "you were so lean, what did you feel him auntie?"

"Banana milk" she said and giggled.

"Alright I'm done" Jungkook said.

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