Chapter 28

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"Jungkook was really drunk last night, wasn't he?" Jimin asked.

I gave him a side glance, for some reason, this guy always looked ethereal.. His hair were literally a mess right now but they made him look so soft and angelic.

"Very wasted.. I was drunk too but he was extra drunk.." I said, "I literally had to carry him back home... and he's extremely heavy."

Jimin laughed, "yeah he's huge."

"Exactly, I mean, what does he even eat these days? He's getting buffer by the day" I said, "I almost dropped him twice on the stairs."

Jimin looked like he wanted to ask something but he was hesitating.

"So- uh, you live close to Jungkook's place?" he asked.

I nodded, "it's barely five minutes away."

"Oh, that's cool" he said, "it's good to have someone close to you in a new city."

"Yeah, I would've stayed with them but I really wanted to be independent too, you know?" I said, "even though I'm still at the Jeon residence all the time" I snickered.

"Well, you guys have been childhood friends" he smiled, "he must be like a brother to you."

"Huh" I was too shocked to hear that, "no of course not" I said quickly and he raised his eyebrow, so hot..

"I mean, we're best friends.. just best friends.. he's not like a brother..I already have a brother" I laughed which obviously wasn't convincing.. not even to my own ears.

"Hmm, okay" he smiled. Just then his phone rang, "oh, give me a second" he excused himself.

"Yeah, yeah alright.. that sounds good." he said to the person on call, "yeah I'll be slightly late today.. no, football practice.. we have a match coming up. Hmm, yes, okay that works. Thanks!" he cut the call and kept his phone back in his pocket.

"I'm interning at Taehyung's and Yoongi hyung's dad's company" he explained, "it's part time.. just needed something to do with my free time."

"Thats actually smart" I said, "I have a lot of free time on my hands too.. I should get a job too, right?"

"It's fun actually" he said, "we all have to work anyway.. although I'd rather become a singer-" he stopped himself.

"What? Really?" I asked, "you wanna become a singer? That's so cool Jimin."

"Nah, forget I said that" he chuckled, "that's a far fetched dream.. right now I need to focus on football and my studies."

"I didnt even know you sang-"

"No one does.. but I really do love singing.." he said in a low voice, "and I hope this would stay between us.. I dont know why I said it-"

"Don't worry about it Jimin" I said, "I would really love to hear you sing some day."

He smiled, "sure thing y/n"

"But if you do wanna become a singer-"

"It won't be of any use.. my parents won't support that anyway.. thinking about it is of no use either" he said, a hint of gloom in his eyes.

I felt sorry for him, he seemed so passionate about singing..

"And for now I need to focus on making our team win the tournament.. it's a big thing" he said.

I nodded, "yeah.." I didn't think it would be okay to give him any opinion on that matter.. we barely knew each other.. and I thought that I should just be a good listener and gatekeeper of his secret and let this pass..

We had reached outside my classroom, Jimin's class was still slightly further;

"Oh hey y/n" I heard a familiar voice, "hey captain."

"Soobin, hi" I said, looking at the very tall boy.

Jimin nodded and smiled at him. Jimin was tiny in front of Soobin but he had this very powerful aura that didnt really make him look small.

He beamed at me, "I tried to look for you after we played the game yesterday.. but I think you left early.."

"I wouldn't really call it early" I chuckled, "but yeah, earlier than the rest... I was too drunk."

He smiled, "everyone was... I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Sure, go on" I said. Jimin still hadn't left.. He did mention he was late for his class, but apparently he found my exchange with Soobin very interesting..

"It's actually kinda weird.. well not really.. but umm.. you can obviously say no haha... I mean.. uhh" he looked very flustered and also confused.

I kept a hand on his arm, "just say it,, breathe Soobin.."

"Look, I've actually been wanting to ask you this.. I mean, of course we don't even know each other yet but- is it too early to develop a crush- ugh.. I dont know why I just said that-"

I didnt want to say this out loud but it was actually funny to see such a huge guy flustered.. it was cute..

"What I want to say is- would you.. umm.. would you like- hang out with me? Can we like go for coffee or something?" he asked.

"Are you asking me out Soobin?" I really dont know why I was teasing him, but I smirked. I felt Jimin stiffen towards my right.

"I'm trying" Soobin sighed.

I even mentioned it to Jungkook.. Soobin was definitely cute.. and he seemed like a very sweet person too.. everyone liked him... going on a date might be a good idea--

"Sure" I smiled at him.

"Wha- really?" he asked.

"Yes why not" I said.

"Oh my god- do you have any idea how scared I was-"

"Yes I could see that.. but I wouldnt have eaten you" I chortled.

"I mean- Jungkook was always around you.. and everyone said that you two might be dating or something.. I was terrified.." he said, "I dont think he likes me anyway.. plus, you're intimidating too-"

"I am not-"

"Yes she is" Jimin chimed in.

I looked at him, he had a very rigid expression.. I couldn't really understand it but something was bothering him..

"See?" Soobin said, "but thank you, for saying yes.. I promise it'll be a great date.. and hopefully we'll have more too.. god, I cant wait.. thank you" he giggled. So adorable..

"I'm sure it'll be great" I smiled at him and he smiled back. He had very cute dimples..

"I'm sure you guys can plan out the details of your date later" Jimin said, "dont you have a class right now?"

"Oh yes" I said.

"Soobin, I hope you won't forget our practice in the excitement of your date." Jimin's expression was humorless, "I hope you remember how important the game is to us"

"Yes of course not captain-"

"Be on time" with that, he left..Didn't even say bye..

"Wow, he seemed mad" I said.

Soobin shrugged, "I've never seen him mad honestly.. he somehow always remains his calm.. but I think something really triggered him today.."

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