Chapter 27

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im so late tho... would've updated sooner but STREAMING

Y/n's POV:

Taehyung walked me back home like the gentleman he is. Unlike our numerous exchanges wherein he was quite flirty, this time he maintained his distance and remained quiet for the maximum part of our 4 minute walk back.. and for some reason I hated it...

"I find it really hard to sleep in another bed" he said.

"Hmm?" I asked, not understanding why he would suddenly say that.

"Well you slept at Jungkook's last night- so-"

"Oh yeah" I said, "I'm always sleepy" I laughed, "I can sleep anytime.. anywhere"

He smiled, "you're cute."

"Yeah I know" I smiled, "well we're here" I said pointing to my apartment.

"Already? That was super close" he said.

"I would call you in but it's a mess" I said.

"I love messy places but I could stay outside and wait for you" he said.

"I'll probably take some time.. plus you have a class in 20 minutes" I said.

"Huh, are you keeping a tab on me?" he chuckled.

"You mentioned it Taehyung" I said.

He smiled, "I'll see you at uni then?"

"Mhmm" I smiled back and nodded.

My place was indeed a mess.. half of my problems would be over if I stopped procrastinating but... I have no idea why I decided not to put everything back in place after I had put on a little fashion show for Jungkook... again I procrastinated.. and I was obviously gonna do it again because I was super late for my classes.

I got into the shower without even taking out any clothes.. quickly cleaned myself up and then stepped out in the towel. I put Jungkook's shirt carefully in the laundry, making a mental note to properly wash it, put on whatever clothes I found, got ready and answered Jungkook's call;

"Come on out" he said.

"I got ready earlier than expected" I said, "yeah I'm coming."

He smiled at me as I put the seatbelt on, "did I tell you how amazing the pancakes were?"

"Mhmm, you did" I said.

"And did I also tell you how thankful I am to you for making me breakfast?" he said.

"Is there any particular reason you're trying to butter me up?" I asked. (A/N: I HAD TO OKAY? BUTTER DESERVES TO BE EVERYWHERE.. KEEP STREAMING FOR THE LOVE OF NAMJESUS)

"Oh the butter" he said, "it's the first time I had butter on top of pancakes.. it tasted amazing.."


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