Chapter 21

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Jungkook's POV:

"Okay let me start" Mi cha said.

"Cool then, we'll go clockwise from Mi cha" Yeonjun said.

"Never have I ever looked bad, even accidentally." Mi cha said and y/n was the first person to take a huge sip from the drink Jimin had given to her, almost finishing it.

"What?" y/n asked everyone who was staring, "everyone has bad days."

"I'm sure you don't y/n" Taehyung said, "you always look gorgeous. Mi cha on the other hand- I have a picture you know-"

"Shut up Taehyung" Mi cha snapped at him. Everyone took a sip from their drinks, ignoring Mi cha and Taehyung.. well everyone except Jin hyung.

"Pfft- I don't ever look bad" he said, "you guys know it" and everyone nodded and hummed in agreement.

Taehyung went next, "never have I ever drunk texted anyone."

"You drunk texted me" Yoongi hyung said.

"Yeah? To call me a cab" Taehyung said, "that doesn't count hyungie."

Literally everybody took a sip and y/n nudged me, "who did you drunk text?"

"You" I said.

"When?" she asked.

"You were drunk too- and we were sitting together but still texting each other.." I said, "it was the first time we tried alcohol."

"Ah yesss- I remember" she chuckled.

Y/n's POV:

Mi cha and Taehyung had already had their turns, next up was Jimin. I took a beer can.

"Never have I ever tried dog food." Jimin said and looked at Taehyung who took a sip while looking guilty.

"I tried Yeontan's food okay?" he told everybody, "I was just curious." and everyone laughed. A few others, including Jungkook, took a sip.

"Never have I ever told someone the wrong directions on purpose" a girl said. Jungkook said her name was Ji Ah and she was on the team.

A few people took a sip.

"Why on earth are you guys playing such a civilised game?" Hobi oppa asked, "where's the dirt and the filth?"

"We're good, civilized people Hobi hyung" Taehyung said.

"I would believe it if anybody else said it Tae" Hobi oppa said, "you're anything but civilized."

"Allow me to start bringing some 'not-so-civilised' questions then." Hueningkai said, "never have I ever made out with anyone on the team."

I saw Taehyung finish his entire drink, a few others took sips but avoided eye contact. A couple shouted 'I love you' to each other and took sips. Mi cha and her entire gang took sips. The most surprising however was Jungkook. It was so unexpected but also amusing. Although he avoided looking at me, I made a mental note to ask him later.

"Better now" Hobi oppa said.

"Never have I ever made an account on a dating app." another girl said. I guess that was Eunji.

"Never have I ever used a curtain to wipe my hands." a guy said. Jungkook said his name was Beomgyu. Literally everyone took a sip.

"Never have I ever shared my nudes" a girl- Jieun- said. I've never even taken nudes...

"Never have I ever given a blowjob." a guy said- I think that was Hyunjin.

Reliving that extremely wild day, I took a sip only to find Jungkook coughing his drink out and then scowling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"What- when- why-where- WHO?" he asked.

"I know the five Ws- what is wrong with you?" I asked.

"A blowjob?" He already had huge, doe eyes.. somehow they looked bigger now.

"Yes?" I said, "so you're allowed to give blowjobs but I'm not?"

"No" he said, "I mean- so you're not a virgin?"

"It was just a fucking blowjob goddamnit" I said. Literally all eyes were on us.

"Yeah but- but why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"You wanted me to call you and let you know that I gave a blowjob to the class president?" I asked and everyone laughed.

"That jerk- don't tell me y/n.. HIM?" he asked.

"Pfft- he was hot-"

"Why wouldn't you tell me though- we're supposed to be best friends.." he looked genuinely heartbroken and also super angry.. which was kinda hot but also annoying at the moment and I wanted to punch him for creating a scene.

"Jungkook- man come on" Jin oppa said, "are you fucking kidding me?"


"Dude" Taehyung said, "what is wrong with you?"

"He's just upset that she gave a blowjob to someone other than him." Mi cha said.

"Yeah- No NO WHAT THE FUCK MI CHA" Jungkook said, "our relationship is NOT like that."

"Sure" she yawned, "can we continue the game? If you two wish to keep on bickering, please step aside."

"Nope, this conversation is over Jeon Jungkook" I glared at him.

"Yeah whatever" he didn't even look at me.. Bitch..

"Never have I ever been in a friends with benefits relation" one of Mi cha's friends looked right at Jungkook and I, earning a few cheers but made a face when none of us touched our drinks.

Soobin was next, "Never have I ever peed in the pool."

"I literally just peed" Beomgyu said and took a sip, followed by a few others.

I was up next, so I said something I really wanted to try, "never have I ever sexted anyone."

"I can name about five people who are willing to sext you now" Taehyung said.

"Taehyung included" Jimin said.

"Pfft- Nope" Taehyung raised his eyebrows, "I'm not that shallow and perverted okay?"

Jungkook snorted and everyone collectively lost their shit and started laughing, "good one Tae" "Yeah sure" "you're the most innocent amongst all of us."

Okay so he doesn't wanna sext me? Damn that's sad...

"Never have I ever made out in a classroom" Jungkook said and again looked super surprised when I took a sip, "I give up" he shook his head, "how many things have you not told me y/n?"

"Come on kookie- you knew about the first time it happened" I said.

"How many times has it happened?" he asked.

"Not again you guys" Yoongi oppa said.

"Get a room" Jin oppa said.

And so, the game continued for about three rounds- the questions ranging from gross to silly. From tipsy to extremely dirty. With every passing second everyone got drunker and drunker. The dirty questions were all about sex, and I, a virgin- couldn't really get as drunk as the others.

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