Chapter 30- sorry for the late update

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Jungkook's POV:

I couldn't really believe my ears when I heard the words spilling out of Yeonjun's mouth... did he just say that Soobin asked y/n out?

"You did what?" I asked, looking directly at Soobin.


"He asked her out" Jimin answered instead. Apparently, everyone had suddenly lost interest in the game, all eyes on me and Soobin.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.


"Why does anybody ask someone out Jungkook?" Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Soobin likes her... and tbh, who wouldn't-"

"Shut up Taehyung" I said, "Soobin?"


"Did you really ask her out?"

"I guess?"

"You guess?" I raised my eyebrows, "what did she say?"

"Uh- will you be mad at me?"


"He's lying" Taehyung chuckled, "he'll be furious", making me glare at him.

"I'm not lying, tell me Soobin?"

"She said yes" he immediately shut his eyes as if he was scared that I'd punch him.

"Oh" I said, I didn't wanna admit but I was kinda mad... really mad.. and also, jealous? But I didn't wanna say anything, "that's cool... enjoy your date I guess? Take her someplace nice"


"What?" Jimin and Taehyung said together, Soobin was just staring with his eyes wide.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.. why were Jimin and Taehyung more invested than I was?

"You-" Soobin started.


"You didn't say anything-"

"Why would I?"


"I'm not dating her.. she's my best friend.. and I'm just being a protective friend" I said, "she's new and she doesn't really know a lot of people.. so yeah.."

"You're really so cool with it, huh?" Taehyung said.

"I don't see a reason not to be cool" I said, "it's not like she's going out with you.."

"Hey that's rude-"

"Okay but, you really dont mind?" Jimin cut him off.

"Why would I mind?" I almost laughed, why were these best friends getting so worked up.

"I don't know? I just thought you'd be angry-"

"Why do you want to get me into trouble captain?" Soobin said, a cranky expression on his face.

"Yeah well, Soobin's a cool guy.. I have no problems with him.. as I said, had It been Taehyung or-" I looked around, "even Yeonjun for that matter-"

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