Chapter 5

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Okay yeah, soooo sending off Jungkook with that girl was probably not the best decision of my life- I could feel weird, very weird sensations while looking at her grinding her body over Jungkook's and that asshole seemed to be enjoying it so much.

I shouldn't be feeling this way, I honestly hated feeling this way- but OH MY GOD- the audacity.. I almost wanted to be at her place.

Min woo had been trying to make conversation, but I halfheartedly took part in it;

"It's gonna be nice to have you around" he said.

"Hmm" I smiled.

"So this is your first official party?" he asked.


"Oh do you know who owns this house?" he asked.

"It looks like a creepy mansion" I said, "and nope, I dont"

"The sole purpose of them buying this house was to throw bomb parties.. they're seniors.. and college sweethearts.. super rich; bought it together." he said.

"Wow, that's pretty cool and stupid. Why would they spend so much? This couldn't have been cheap" I said.

"It's super expensive, but Yoongi hyung is like very rich and so is Hoseok hyung" he said.

"Oh to be that rich... cant relate"

"You should maybe go a little easy on the alcohol" Min woo said.

"I'm fine- I can handle my alcohol" I said, not looking anywhere but at Jungkook and the girl.. I couldnt hold the conversation any longer.

"And you said you're not a couple" he said.

"We're not a couple"

"Yet you're so jealous- along with around 50 other girls in this very area.. Do you see the looks they're giving?" he asked.

"I'm not jealous."

"Sure- but those looks are worse than the ones you were getting."

"I need a stronger drink. I'm going to the bar" I said.

"Wait- I'm coming with you"

"Yeah- I don't know what to order" I said looking at Min woo.

"You drink like an alcoholic- yet you have no idea what to drink?" he asked.

"Dude, I never get my own drinks.. somebody always volunteers." I said.

"Perks of being beautiful I guess."

"Yes precisely that" I turned around to see someone's glass which was almost full. Without thinking, I picked it up and was about to take a sip.

"Uhm, that's mine" a dude said. I could make out his outline but I couldn't really see him. It was darker here than the rest of the place.

"Yeah I'll get you a new one" I said and took a huge sip. I almost blacked out because that shit was stronger than anything I've ever had.

"Wow- that hit harder than Jungkook's abs" I said.

"What?" the guy asked.

Just then I saw Jungkook and that chick, she took his hands and placed them on her butt and trailed her hands over his shoulder. Jungkook lightly groped her ass.

"Alright, I can't see this anymore" I took out a couple of bills and placed them on the bar counter, "dude get this guy the same drink, I almost finished it" I told the bartender and made my way out of that place.

"Don't follow me" I told Min woo who was already on his feet.



I could almost feel that guy whose drink I had just finished throwing shade at me but I had to get out of there.

I had just moved into a corner of the extremely huge and crowded room to avoid seeing Jungkook and that girl when a voice stopped me;

"You don't look like you're enjoying" the extremely well dressed guy said.

"Really? What gave it away?" I asked.

"Probably that frown." he said.

"Maybe I just realized that parties aren't exactly my strong suit." I said.

"You don't know me, do you?" he asked.

"Am I supposed to?" I asked.

"Jung Hoseok" he offered his hand.

"Oh you're the owner of this place" I shook his hand, "I honestly expected you to be sitting in some VIP area of something sipping martinis with your boyfriend. I'm y/n."

"Well, that was the plan y/n.. but Yoongi's parents are here, from Daegu- and Taehyung isn't exactly the kind to miss a party.. so it's usually Yoongi who takes the fall." he said.

"Taehyung as in that Jimin dude's best friend?" I asked.

"Wow, you really don't know anyone. Yes, that's Taehyung and also Yoongi's younger brother." he said.

"Cool cool cool." I said.

"Okay so you must be new, first year?" he asked.

"Second. And yes, I just transferred from Busan." I said.

"Ah, I see. You're the girl who came with Jungkook." he said.

"Wow, I'm famous." I said.

"Sure you are, but I knew you before you entered with him, hand in hand." he said.

"How so?"

"Well, you see- I'm friends with Jin.. well not really me but Yoongi is pretty close to him. So Yoongi told me how Jin and Jungkook were expecting a friend from Busan." he said.

"So famous" I sighed, "anyway, why are you standing in a corner. Why aren't you- um- I don't know- partying? drinking? dancing?" 

"Just like you partying isn't really my strong suit- and I miss Yoongi terribly. It's easier when he's around" he said.

"How cute" I said, "don't worry, I'll give you company now"

"Okay but first- I don't see a drink in your hand. Can I get you something?" he asked.

"Hmm, yeah- something strong though. I really need to get some images out of my head." I said, "I just drowned the perfect drink."

"Which one was it? I'll get you the same thing." he said.

"I don't really know the name but you see that guy over there?" I pointed to the bar, "I took his drink." The bar area had very poor lighting, I could still not make out anyone's face but somehow I knew it was the same guy.

"Him? Are you serious?" he asked, " you took his drink?"

"Yeah why?"

"And he didn't say anything?" he asked.

"He whined a bit but I gave the bartender some money and asked him to give the dude the same drink." I said.

"Oh god you're so cool. We're gonna be great friends y/n" he grinned, "if someone saw you taking his drink, you're gonna be a lot more popular than expected."

"I don't get you" I said.

"Let's just say you're gonna have a great first day" he smiled. Contrary to his words, which almost sounded like a threat, his smile was the warmest thing ever, "I'll go get your drink."

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