Chapter 25

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Took too long to update I guess.. lol.. been busy, sorryyyyy.. love youuuu

Taehyung's POV:

I really did not want to see Jungkook's face first thing in the morning but Jimin said that I owed him this after ruining his bedroom.. what a baby..

So before going to uni, I dropped by the Jeon residence to give Jungkook his phone back.

I was greeted by a very messy haired Jungkook in a grey hoodie and shorts.. Okay, keeping our supposed 'rivalry' aside, this guy sure was hot.. I mean, I see why he caught my attention..

Anyway, he seemed to be alone;

"Early in the morning?" he made a face, "and here I thought today was gonna be a good day..."

"As if I wanted to see your face in the morning?" I said, "plus, I expected Mrs. Jeon to open the door.."

"Well, too bad she isn't home" he said.

"I can see that" I said, "aren't you gonna call me in or something Jungkook? Where are your manners?"

"No I won't" he said, "I don't like you..Plus, who knows you might try to murder me or something?"

"Oh so you're scared of me?" I smirked.

"Pfft, shut up-"

"Yeah whatever, I just wanted to return your phone-" I said and saw someone coming down from the stairs. My eyes literally went wide open in utter confusion, then shock then.. umm.. anger I guess? More like frustration.. when I saw y/ Jungkook's t-shirt...ONLY A T-SHIRT...........

"Oh, y/n?" I said.

"Hey Taehyung" she smiled but I was still staring.

Jungkook moved and stood in front of me, blocking my view, "what?" he asked.

"Y/n" I said.

"Yeah I know, that's her name" he said.

I rolled my eyes at him and then looked at y/n who was coming towards us, "did she- umm..- did you stay the night here y/n?" I asked her.

She nodded, "it was pretty late.. and I wasn't exactly sober either.. so Jungkook suggested I should stay." 

"Oh" I said, "and you're wearing his clothes." I have no idea why I started stating facts.. No one can blame me though.. I have a crush on THIS girl.. THE SAME GIRL I WAS TRYING TO GET OVER LAST NIGHT HAHAHA...

She nodded again, turning a pretty shade of pink. OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU BLUSHING??!! DID Y'ALL DO SOMETHING??!!

"Yes she is" Jungkook said, "looks cute doesn't she?" he pressed his lips into a smirk. 

Y/n looked at him,  raising her eyebrows, "I think his hangover is bad" she said, "why don't you come in Taehyung?" 

No I won't come in y/n because my subconscious tells me that you two were up to something and you did the nasty last night.. oh my god, am I a kid? I did the nasty too... WHY AM I CALLING IT THE NASTY??!! AND OH MY GOD Y/N ARE YOU NOT WEARING ANYTHING UNDER THAT SHIRT???!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 

"Sure" I said out loud, showed Jungkook my tongue and stepped inside.

"Oh Jungkook- my phone" y/n handed out her phone to Jungkook.

"Ah it's okay, Taehyung's here to give my phone" he said and held his hand out to me.

"Oh that's so sweet of you Taehyung" she smiled at me. I MELTED OKAY?

I smiled back, handing the phone to Jungkook.

"He was so badly drunk last night" y/n said, "where did you find the phone though?"

"I didn't, Jimin did" I said, "and he told me I should drop it off because- well never mind that" I said, they didn't need to know the reason..

"Say thanks to Jimin" Jungkook said.

"You have a mouth" I said, "say it yourself." I was extra mad at him today... less than twelve hours ago, these two were literally fighting.. and now she's wearing his clothes.. okay her thighs are very distracting... and they look so soft...Sure the t-shirt is huge on her, but I can see her boobs goddamnit...... WEAR A BRA Y/N.....

"FINE" Jungkook said, "you can go now, thanks for the phone."

"Shut up kookie" y/n said, "you should stay for breakfast Taehyung.. I'm sure I can fix us something from the kitchen."

"No it's okay y/n, I have a class anyway-"

"I'm gonna leave after breakfast too- I don't really have clothes here. I need to go back to my apartment to shower. We can leave together?" she suggested. OKAY HOW CAN I SAY NO TO THAT FACE?

"Sure" I smiled.

She beamed, stood up and tied her hair in a messy bun, the t-shirt lifting a little too high in the process.. oh my god, this is not good for me.. look away Taehyung.... but obviously I couldn't.. I'm only human.. My gaze lingered on her thighs for a little longer than normal, then her ass when she turned around and walked towards what I assumed was the kitchen? Okay that is a godly ass for god's sake.... But then I felt Jungkook's stare piercing holes in my body;

"What?" I asked.

"Well, stop staring you pervert" he said.

"As if you weren't" I really didnt mean to say that.. I should've denied.. but I didnt. 

His cheeks turned pink, " I wasn't staring."

"Oh please- I caught you staring ONLY TWICE" I put emphasis on the last two words.

"Whatever" he said, "let's not discuss this further."

I made a face at him, "why? Is she your girlfriend now?"

"What? No?" he said, "are you drunk early in the morning?"

"Oh so you guys are friends with benefits?" I asked, I don't know where the venom in my voice was coming from...

"What the fuck dude? No???" he said, looking confused.

I was all the more confused, "so you aren't sleeping with her?"

"Okay are you high?" he knocked my forehead.



"Oh please, THAT is not something that would go unnoticed" I said.

"Agreed" he said, "but you've got it wrong-"

"Guys? What's with this toxic patriarchy?" y/n shouted from the kitchen, "come in here and help me.. I should not be expected to know how to cook-"

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