Chapter 18

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Jimin's POV:

Apparently birthdays weren't complete unless you were thrown into the pool..

I was really happy with the surprise, it was all so spontaneous and sweet.. I was filled with warmth by Namjoon hyung's and Taehyung's gesture... and rather shocked to see so many people. It seemed as if the entire university was invited. For some reason Mi cha won't stop taking credit for planning the party..

It was definitely not a good idea to remove my t shirt in front of everyone, it's not like they hadn't seen me shirtless before- but still everybody erupted into cheers and claps which was nothing less than creepy. But I had to change out of my wet clothes and thankfully Taehyung had already kept spare clothes on a chair nearby.

Always taking care of me...

"Happy birthday Jimin"

"Happy birthday dude"

"Great party man"

"Happy birthday"

Every once a while, some random person I have never seen in my life would wish me and I would pass a smile at them and thank them. I had absolutely no idea who half of these people were.

"There's my baby" I heard Mi cha's voice, I turned to look at her and smiled. She looked as gorgeous as ever, "are you enjoying yourself honey?" she put her arms around my neck and pecked my lips.

"Uhm hmm" I said into the kiss, cherry- I thought.

I was almost used to her two friends being with us at all times, no matter what we were doing.. Now they had even stopped looking away while we kissed.

"But I'm not" she said, breaking the kiss.

"What?" I was confused for a second then I realized that she's saying that she's not having fun, "Why? What happened?"

"We should really start filtering guests for our parties." she said, putting her head on my chest, "some of them are just obnoxious."

I laughed, "Who else do you find obnoxious besides Taehyung?"

"Ugh, I wish he would just never show his face to me.. but anyway- it's that girl, y/n-"

"Did you say y/n? Do you know where she is?" Jungkook's head suddenly popped in front of me.

"Oh hey Jungkook, I didn't know you were here too" I said, smiling at him.

"Yea, hi Jimin. Umm- Mi cha, where did you see y/n?" he asked, "oh- oh, sorry, Happy birthday Jimin."

"It's okay, thank you Jungkook" I said, "so you're here with y/n?"

"Well I was here with her until Soobin decided to take me away to watch people dunk you into the pool- and I left her over there" he pointed to a spot occupied by a group of girls, "she told me she'd wait but now she's not there. And her phone's busy."

"Of course she's not there" Mi cha scoffed, "she's with the man whore" she rolled her eyes.

It didn't take a genius to realize who she was talking about and Jungkook's eyes flashed real fear, followed by anger- I would never understand why he hated Taehyung so much.

"I told that asshole to stay away from her-"

"Are you two dating?" I asked, unable to contain myself, "I know she said she's not dating you but it does seem you two are together. I'm not trying to be nosy or anything-"

"Well, why are you so interested Jimin?" Mi cha asked, "are you interested in her? Just like she is?"

"Of course not baby- wait, she's interested in me?" I asked and she just scoffed, "I'm just genuinely curious."

"You guys can fight once I leave" Jungkook said, "just tell me where she is."

"I don't know Jungkook" Mi cha said, "and I don't care. I saw them meeting another dude. That's it."

"Okay thanks" he said and ran away.

So Mi cha fought for good five minutes with me and called y/n some names for absolutely no reason. I left once it got a little out of hand and told her that I needed to find Taehyung and I don't wish to deal with her tantrums because I deserve a break on my birthday. And once again she got super angry because she said I thought that her 'issues' were 'tantrums'. And she also said that I'm only trying to find Taehyung because he's with y/n....

I don't understand why she's so obsessed with her. Y/n seemed so weird and so nice.. basically she's harmless. But anyway, I did want to meet her.

I saw her giggling with Jungkook, Taehyung and Min woo. Min woo and I were together in a couple of classes, he's quite friendly and has an apparent, fat crush on Taehyung.

Okay so Jungkook finally found her but Taehyung had obviously not left her side yet. I could see Taehyung scowling at Jungkook because he had his arm around y/n's waist. For some reason, it made me feel awkward but I let it pass. She looked pretty and her laugh was certainly contagious, I found myself smiling even though I had no idea what the joke was.

Min woo was trying his best to hide from Taehyung but Taehyung liked teasing people. Any moment, he would combust from the excessive amount of heat in his cheeks.

Even though my best friend was standing there, I was a little anxious to go there and start a conversation. What if y/n feels uncomfortable around me? What would I talk about? I don't even know her.. But I do know the others.. But I would still like to talk to her.

I decided I should probably keep it light and casual and maybe even funny?

So I took the drink she absolutely fell in love with the other day- the Jimin special- the one which started it all..

"Hey guys" I greeted them as I headed towards them while y/n whispered something in Jungkook's ear and then smiled at me. She has a beautiful smile..

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