Chapter 98

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Okay how many of you thought I was dead? I'm still alive... YAY! But also very stressed and busy... Enjoy the chapter and I'm sorry for keeping you waiting...

Author's POV:

"What do you mean it's a one time thing?" y/n said, "you're both obviously in love..."

Jungkook was frozen in place when he heard those words coming out of y/n's mouth. He wanted to tell her that all this was a big misunderstanding, he wanted to run and hide in Taehyung's arms, he also wanted to wipe the smirk off Jimin's face but all he could do was stare... After a few  seconds of incessant staring, he came to a conclusion;

"It's a dream isn't it?" he laughed, "wow, this is the first time I'm having a lucid dream.. This shit is wild as fuck-" he looked at Taehyung, "It look a little too real.. You fucked me too hard, Taehyung-"

Y/n had really been trying to hold back her laugh but Jungkook's statements got the best of her.

"Your laugh sounds too real too, y/n," he said, "just as beautiful-"

"Yes that's because you aren't dreaming," Jimin said, "should I hit him on the head?"

"Haha Jimin," Jungkook laughed again, "you seem too happy to have caught me and Tae red handed.. Well, joke's on YOU, this is all a dream-"

"It isn't, Jungkook" Taehyung patted his shoulder and gave him back his shirt. He was awfully silent the entire time.

"What-" the color suddenly started draining from Jungkook's face, "it has to be a dream-"

"Why are you so freaked out about getting caught?" Y/n asked.

"Y/n-" Taehyung rushed over to her, "you know none of this meant a thing, right?"

"Stop lying to yourself-"

"I'm serious.. I have my eyes only for you.. I am in love with you and only you-"

She narrowed her gaze, "are you listening to yourself? You sound unsure-"

"Maybe I love Jungkook a little too-"

"There it is."

"But it's because I never really stopped loving him-"

Jungkook had finished putting on his shirt and was now staring at the man in front of him in awe, "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean by what do I mean?"

"What do you mean by what do I mean by what do you mean?"

"What do you-"

"SHHH" Jimin sounded irritated and shook his head, "you both need to shut the fuck up or my brain will start to bleed-"

"No but I'm really confused by what he said-" Jungkook looked back at Taehyung.

"The fact that he never stopped loving you?" y/n asked with an impish grin.

"Uh- yeah-"

"What's so confusing about it?" Taehyung asked, "I always thought I'd gotten over you.. I mean, I did hook up with a lot of people after our breakup but it was just-" he shrugged, "now that I see you so often, I just think that all the times I tried getting over you, it was stupid" He looked back at y/n, "WAIT Y/N DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA-"

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