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chapter forty-eight;

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chapter forty-eight;

━━━━━━ ALL OF JAPAN'S ELECTRONICS WERE STATIC for a few moments before a dark-haired woman had appeared on everyone's screens.

     some grinned at the attractive-looking woman meanwhile others confusingly awaited for what the pale woman had to say.

kisa flashed a smirk before spitting out her next string of words that were quite literally about to ruin hundreds of thousands of people's lives.

"now you all may be wondering who I am, and what I am doing on your screens. however, who I am isn't important. I want you all to listen to my next words very carefully.

     heroes aren't shit.

     heroes think they're saving others, but are they? how much do you all truly know about the heroes?

     did you know that endeavor was a child abuser, who sent his wife to a mental hospital because she couldn't take it anymore?

don't believe me? that's alright, because I'm sure you will soon, once you witness his oldest son—todoroki touya—who was claimed as dead years ago.

     and as for the youngest, todoroki shōto...he was born to surpass all might, though from the current looks of it, he's far from doing so.

     what a great use of a child, endeavor.

if you're watching todoroki enji, I hope you find them, because this is going to be a game of who finds who first", kisa smiled.

     endeavor felt his entire being shake as his colleagues stared at him with a mixture of disbelief and pity.

     no one spoke, except for the video that continued playing.

     "but kisa, that's only one hero that you're talking about!", the woman mocked in a higher pitch.

     "well not to worry!! because your beloved all might isn't any better.

to be honest, you'd think a man like him wouldn't pick favorites, but oh dear~ the green-haired, freckled boy—midoriya izuku—an awestruck fan of all might, just like many of your children out there, was chosen by the man himself.

starting out with no quirk, all might gave him one: one for all.

doubt me if you will, but does seriously no one see the similarities between his quirk and all might's declining health?

all might was once a quirkless child too, with his quirk being passed down by shimura nana.

I'm sure some older folks out there will recognize that name, as she was quite the popular hero, who had cut off all ties with her family, causing her son to loathe heroes completely.

𝒔𝒍𝒚 & 𝒄𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 {𝒃𝒏𝒉𝒂 𝒗𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔}Where stories live. Discover now