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I always knew when Shadow was in a bad mood. To everyone else, he appeared emotionless unless angered beyond a simple annoyance. But we've been practically joined at the hip since thirteen. I could read Shadows emotions as well as if he were an open book.
I could tell now by the slight tick of his jaw; the way he was standing, how much more silent he was than usual. The air suddenly felt deadly.
I took this in as I waded closer to the rivers edge, coming to stand up tall in the water, letting it roll down me as the sun shone down on my tanned, naked body. Ive been feeling overheated and flustered all day so this swim was much needed. I would think I was getting sick if werewolves could get sick.
Shadow was shirtless, but hadn't yet taken off his pants. He was golden tan in color, just like me. But that's where the similarities ended. Where his eyes were dark as night mine were icy blue. I had light brown hair that flopped in my eyes where his was jet black and cut short, spiking up. He was only about two inches taller than me.
"What's wrong?" I flicked water at him to get his attention as he stared off at the distance. His eyes slid to mine and a shiver ran down my spine as he simply stared. It wasn't unusual for him to sometimes not answer when spoken to.
From the sudden appearance of goosebumps, I was obviously getting cold, so I moved out the water, flopping down on the grass to dry off in the sun, completely naked. It was odd Shadow kept his pants on. Even odder that he had started to go into the water but seemed to be frozen in spot.
I looked back at Shadow, given his name for a good reason, and raised an eyebrow at his silent stare. He seemed extremely annoyed and fighting an inner battle.
And so was I. My body seemed super sensitive to Shadow being nearby, and it had gotten worse since making eye contact. For once; I felt as if I couldn't read him at all like I usually could.
But still, it felt as if every molecule of my being was aware of how close Shadow was. Had I been slipped drugs today?
It felt as if my muscles were twitching underneath my skin as I started breathing heavy.
"Shadow..." I moaned, propping up on my elbows as my stomach started to quiver. And the feeling was moving lower and lower.
Breaking eye contact just as my stomach suddenly felt as if I had been punched, I groaned again. A strong heat overtook me. Leaning to the side on one arm, and gripping my stomach with my other, I nearly cried out. My skin felt as if it were on fire as a sudden need overtook me. I drew my knees slightly in as I could feel my hard on against my stomach. It took everything to not start touching myself. Even with Shadow watching.
"Shadow," I panted as I nearly on my stomach now as my forehead touched the cool grass underneath me. I hadn't even heard him come up but I felt his hand grip my shoulder from behind. My face was pressed so close to the ground I nearly breathed in the dirt. Gods, I wanted something, but I had no idea what. Or was afraid to even think of what I wanted.
Because whatever it was. I wanted it from Shadow.
"Kai?" Shadow finally spoke, sounding emotionless but I could hear the faint worry in his tone. "What's wrong?"
"I need- I just need," I whined. Whine? No, I've never whined in my life. Something was really wrong.
"Kai..."Shadow trailed off as I feel his body heat draw near. "You smell really good," Shadow was leaning into my back now, practically cuddling me as he inhaled by my neck. How did we get like this?
"Fuck," he cursed as I pushed my ass back against him. It was as if my body had a mind of its own. Or as if I couldn't hold back anymore. My hips were twitching all over the place. What was wrong with me? I panted hard as I felt something clawing its way up inside of me as a blanket of sweat broke all over my body.
"Shadow," I nearly cried out when he started rolling his hips forward, my forehead was still pressed into the ground, my forearms barley holding me up as I grinded back against Shadow's hard on that pressed into me. In that moment, I couldn't think about how weird this all was, how I was acting with my bestfriend, how we were crossing some line. No, i could only think; Sun above, why is he wearing pants?
Shadow growled suddenly; he gripped the back of my neck with one hand and reached underneath me to grip my dick. Fuck yes. I nearly whined again, but it turned into a desperate moan as I heard Shadow unzip his pants.
When he pressed his dick against my ass I nearly blacked out from the intense pleasure I felt.
"Fuck Shadow," I panted and he growled again.
"Shut up Kai," he grunted as he pushed me down further against the ground, I could barley even feel the small rocks digging into my cheek, so focused on him jerking me off as his rock solid dick moved between my legs. He shifted us, and I found myself balanced on both my forearms, belly pressed against the ground and his chest covering my back and his large hand pulled my hips up.
Every fiber of my being wanted him to be inside me. The whine in the back of my throat encouraged him. But as he pressed his cock against my hole, I felt a shot of panic go through me.
What the fuck am I doing? I'm not gay! This is my bestfriend for fucks sake! Something was obviously wrong.
"Shadow, no," I cried as he started to press in. He growled against my ear and it shot straight to my dick. I breathed out in relief as his dick moved away.
"Don't move," he hissed as I felt him behind me jerking off. I tried to chase the high that was so close as I picked up where he left off on jerking me off.
Reality hit me like a bucket of cold water when hot liquid squirted onto my backside. All over my ass and lower back.
I gasped, my body still felt hot and needy but my mind was clearing whatever cobwebs had clouded it as Shadow rolled off of me. As I let go of myself the shame set in.
With wide eyes, I rolled to my back, not liking the feeling of his cum leaking off of me and cooling instantly.
Shadow and I have been best friends since we were thirteen. There was never any sexual tension. Never any flirting or anything like that. So why had I begged him like a slut in heat? Why had he responded?
I wanted to rage as I realized the truth.
My eighteen birthday was not too long ago. So was Shadow's. When a werewolf turned eighteen, not long after they would either stay beta, become alpha or rarely - omega.
It was obvious I had become omega, much to my distress. But the way Shadow had reacted to me going into heat could only mean one thing.
He wasn't beta. He was an alpha. That or he had the hots for me on the low this whole time. But the way he had seemed pissed off and irritated, I knew he had become what my parents always thought I would be.
I wanted to hate him or be mad at him, but I knew we had both acted today as our wolf parts wanted to. It was no one faults. My whole face burned as the noises I had made came rushing back to me.
As I stared up in horror at the sky, I felt as if I was going into shock. And what was worse, I could still feel my raging hard on resting against my stomach.
Shadow had gone silent next to me, even his breathing had become even. But now he moved in a blink of an eye and was leaning over me.
"Kai..." he began, his dark expression looking down at my body as if he were hungry for more. He looked like he was breathing in deeply, as if he couldn't get enough of my smell.
"Shove off dude," I hissed as I shot to my feet. He snarled at me, shooting to his feet as well.
Everything in me wanted to look away from Shadows intense stare, but to not stare back into the eyes of another wolf was a submission. And I wouldn't bow down to any wolf. Especially not my best friend. My equal.
Shadow followed the movement as my hips twitched again on their own and his face closed up again, his eyes darkening as a determined look crossed over his face.
"Kai," his eyes flashed, "run."
Any other time or day, I would have shifted and tore into Shadow for ordering me around. We were the same age and practically the same build and size. And being a werewolf was all about being strong. And not showing weakness.
But here, today, feeling as if I had crossed over into another dimension, stuck in some twilight zone, I didn't even hesitate to run, with my tail tucked between my legs as I shifted into wolf form so I could run faster than the wind.
And hopefully faster than Shadow, as I heard the pounding of his paws 🐾 behind me.
I had no idea what he was going to do to me if he caught me. And I was damn near afraid to find out. Mostly, because I was afraid of how everything inside of me said I would not only allow but like what he wanted to do to me.

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