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Shadow hasn't come around me and it was the day of the pack meeting. To say I was sweating was putting it mildly. Without his bite, I reeked of omega.
Throwing on as much clothes as possible, as if it weren't hot outside and as if it would help mask the unmistakable scent of omega.
"Honey?" My pixie of a mother grabbed my arm as she looked at me with furrowed brows. She looked nothing like a werewolf, so tiny And fragile in appearance. I could still see the guilt in her eyes everytime she looked at me. It was almost as if like me, she could never forget how my father used to beat me. How easily she'd get knocked out whenever she tried to stop it. It was wild to me How she stayed with the man, even though he doesn't hit either of us anymore, It still hung in the air between us like a secret. "You feeling ok baby?" She placed the back of her palm on my forehead.
"Fine mom," I moved away from her, passing by and placing a quick kiss on her cheek. "See you at the meeting tonight!" I flew out the door in near panic. Gotta find Shadow!
Storming over to his house, I froze as Blue came strutting out just as I was about to knock.
His face scrunched up as if he tasted something sour. I took in the little details. Like How his hair was mushed and shirt was wrinkled.
They didn't! The air from my lungs felt as if it was sucked out.
"It's you," he said annoyed as he rolled his eyes and pushed passed me. "Stop stringing Shadow along and tell him it's never going to happen. He deserves to be happy. With someone else," he sneered at me before climbing onto a bike 🚲 and riding off with his nose turned up before I could even utter a word.
With someone else?! No! My mind ranted.
"What do you want Kai." I nearly jumped out of my skin as Shadow appeared. He looked just the same as Blue. Sex bed hair, wrinkled clothes.
"Tell me you didnt-" I began and found myself being dragged inside Shadow's house with the door slamming shut behind me.
"Didn't what? Fuck like how you and Claire did?" Shadow accused and I couldn't even deny it. We did fuck. Twice now. And I have yet to cum from it. Not that that would matter to Shadow. I breathed in trying to see if I could smell Blue on him, and it made Shadow's eyebrows twitch in annoyance as he pulled me away from the wall and slammed me back into the door. Not at all gently, I might add. I didn't care though as I realized Blue's scent wasn't all over him.
Finally I could breath again.
"It's not the same-" I began and Shadow looked like he was about to combust as true rage showed on his face. The cold exterior cracking. "I'm sorry Shadow," I rushed out as I held onto his arm, feeling the muscles twitch and flex underneath my fingers. "It didn't mean anything..." I trailed off in frustration realizing I've given this pathetic speech before to a girl I cheated on. I didn't care about her feelings. I didn't even care if she believed what I was telling her.
But I cared about Shadow. I cared when he was hurting and I cared what he thought about me.
"I know what you want Kai," Shadow spoke after few seconds of silence. The emotion melted off his face as he hid behind his wall of ice. And for once I had no idea what he was feeling or thinking.
"You do?" I asked him as he started to press into me.
"Yes," he said And quickly dove in, clamping down onto my neck. I cried out in joy, the bruising on my neck hurting for a moment before his teeth broke thru my skin and then I was filled with pleasure. My body associating this now with cumming. I could feel my legs widening to allow Shadow to be closer. But he held himself back as he pulled away.
"There, you got what you wanted. Enjoy the pack meeting tonight," he growled as he left me feeling empty as he stalked towards the front door and held it open. "Go," his voice boomed out as I stood there staring at him in bewilderment.
Oh no, I've pushed him away, maybe for good this time. I had to make it right.
"No," I shook my head. "Fine, no more Claire, Shadow she doesn't mean anything to me, I'll tell her that, please don't hate me," I dropped to my knees in front of him and gripped onto his leg like a begging child. "I can't stand you hating me. I need you in my life Shadow."
Shadow huffed looking away. "That's just your wolf talking because I'm angry. Just go or regret this convo later," he said with annoyance.
"No I -" I wanted to argue but I did feel the heat taking over.
"Fuck, it's worse than I thought," came a voice that didn't belong to Shadow.
I had been caught. Clinging to Shadow and begging him. By another werewolf. A fellow member.

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