Thirty one

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Kai pov
Walking back into the house, slipping in through the back, I came face to face with Shadow as if he had been waiting for me. My vision was filled with his dark gaze as he asked, "Where have you been?" He looked calm but his eyes told a different story.

I rolled my eyes, strolling naked through the house. "Take a guess," I indicated to my nude form. "Frolicking through the woods, obviously."
"You shouldn't do that alone anymore," his voice followed me as I started up the stairs. I could feel the burn of his eyes on my backside as I made my way to the master bathroom to shower. I hadn't had time to wash up since I had ran off to chase my liar of a boyfriend. And here he was, looking at me as if I were the one who lied and ran off to meet someone behind his back. The jerk. "I mean It Kai, it's dangerous. Someone could smell-"
Flicking on the shower, I spun around to face him. He wore a black T-shirt and washed out jeans and stood barefoot with his arms crossed. His hair was sticking up all over the place as if he had been stressing it. Probably went insane when he came home to find me gone, my cellphone left behind on the bedside table.
Doesn't feel good to be kept in the dark, does it?
"No one is going to smell me. That's why we have that ritual with Clair-"
Shadow was in my face within a breath, his eyes blazing with fury. "Is that where you were? With Claire?"
I snarled at him, annoyed, but he snarled back and dammit if it didn't make my wolf tremble but I held onto my defiance and anger and lunged at him. His eyes widened in shock for a second as we tumbled to the ground. But he recovered quickly and had me on my back.
"What's wrong with you?" He snarled close to my face. Instead of answering I growled and bit into his neck, clamping down my teeth, even sharpening them in his neck, warm copper blood flowing into my mouth and down my throat. I wanted to jerk my head and rip out a piece of his neck but instead let go when he yanked away from me.
He looked at me in confusion as he held a hand to throat.
"Get out," I demanded after wiping my mouth with the back of my arm, smearing his blood into my skin. When he got a twitch in his jaw and looked like he was about to turn into an unmovable stone, I leaned forward and hissed, "get out Shadow, or I will."
This caused him to move and we circled each other until my back was to the shower and he was at the bathroom entrance.
He backed out the bathroom, looking lost but I slammed the door closed in his face before I fell for his kicked puppy look. He could suffer for a moment while I took a long shower to think. He was lucky I didn't immediately call it quits after his stunt today.
But no, we were going to have a talk once I got out and he better never keep me in the dark again.
I might not have it in me to leave him, but I'll give back to him what he's gives to me. So he better think twice before doing something inconsiderate again.
And i didn't care how petty that seemed. Love makes everyone irrational. And even knowing that, I couldn't stop the irrationality.
After a long shower, I felt the stress and anger leave my body, with a deep sigh, I started to feel guilt for biting Shadow as bad as I did. He didn't deserve it.
I should have came in and sat him down like I had planned and we talked it out. Of course we've gotten into fist fights; full blown beating each other when our werewolf rage would come out, it's how we've always duked it out and then moved on, since we healed pretty quickly I never saw the issue with it.
But now that we were together, it felt wrong. Or maybe it was more that now that I'm omega and he's an alpha it felt wrong.
Because before we were equals in every way. It was a fair fight.
He had to hold back when I attacked him now, because one command and I would lock up, one look I would bend over, one hit with power behind it my wolf would cause me to falter. I could hurt myself by attacking him like that. I'm sure it took everything in him to not force me to submit and to leave when I told him to.
And I appreciated that from him and felt at ease now that this has happened, it showed me he wouldn't just treat me like a slave he owned, he respected my wishes when I wanted to be alone.
Feeling ten times better and ready to make up, I walked out the bathroom as I dried myself off.
"Shadow?" I called out, suddenly feeling nervous. Just how angry was he?
Throwing on one of his used black tshirts because it smelled like him and a pair of my khaki shorts, I cocked my head and listened.
Uh oh.
Running down the stairs, I confirmed what I already knew. Shadow wasn't here.
"Fuck," I cursed as I walked outside to see his jeep gone. This wasn't good.
And tonight we had promised to go to a party with Claire and have a sleepover. Sniffing myself, I realized I was starting to smell.
With a huge huff and puff of air, I set out down the road.
Should I order an Uber?
Where would Shadow go, that he drove?
I thought back on our fight. My heart dropped as I realized something.
Shadow was possessive as hell these days.
And I hadn't answered him back about Claire. Was the idiot there now, bothering her?
"Fuck," i cursed as I got on my phone to order an Uber. Shifting was out of the question. It was still daylight out and I didn't want to be stuck a wolf cos I had no change of clothes.
My Uber pulled up within four minutes and then we were off. It felt like forever but finally we pulled up to her house and sure enough there was a red jeep. And Claire's car. And not her parents.
I started to sweat.
Shadow wouldn't hurt her, would he?
Her front door was locked, but her back door was open slightly.
Fuck, it looked like he broke the damn door knob!
Huffing, I rushed upstairs, hearing two heart beats thank fuck.
"Don't lie to me Claire," Shadow's enraged voice reached my ears.
I burst through her bedroom door and looked upon the scene.
Claire was laid out with Shadow half on top of her, holding her down my her neck and one hand at the waist of her jeans. My mouth dropped open.
"What the fuck?!" I burst out, jaw set, I ran over and grabbed the back of Shadow's shirt and tossed him across the room. His snarled filled the room but I ignored him as I looked down at Claire. Her cheeks were flushed as she looked at me with wide eyes.
"Fuck, Claire are you alright?" I gathered her delicate body close to me and hugged her, shooting a glare at Shadow as he stood up and rightened himself.
He narrowed his eyes at me. "What is wrong with you!?" I thundered out, ignoring Claire as she tried to speak up. "You can't just treat Claire this way. It's Claire!" After everything she's done for me, for us, I couldn't believe him.
"She's fine. I just came to smell her," he said defensively. "And she's still turned on from whatever you two were up to today."
I wanted to yell out that I knew he went to see Marcie and had followed him. But even though I trusted Claire with my own secret; it would be wrong to trust her with Marcie's. So I didn't say that, instead I told him the truth.
"I haven't seen Claire at all today. And if this is how you're going to treat her, then this threesome is over."
"No!" Claire finally pushed away from me and jumped up between us. "Ok guys I don't know what's going on, but please, it's ok Kai," she looked at Shadow and blushed, "please, feel free to come in and choke me out anytime, that was hot as fuck."
My jaw dropped, was she always like this? Or did the threesome change her into a freak in the sheets?
And that's when I finally caught on to what Shadow was saying. I could picture it now.
He came in, grabbed her by the throat and she instantly went wet, but he smelled her and thought I had just come from being with her, turning her on in some way even though sex smell hadn't been in the air. Which in turn enraged him and then-
"Why were you pulling her pants down?" I accused. "Also, Claire, honey, have you maybe thought about seeking professional help? You cannot allow anyone to come at you like this without clear consent first."
She tinkered out a laugh, "I can't help it, it was hot. He was all like," she held her hand in the air imitating Shadow choking her, "What were you and Kai doing today. He's my man and I told you to ask for permission first." She used her deepest tone of voice trying to sound like Shadow.
"That's not how I sound and I didn't say that... exactly," Shadow looked sheepish as I looked over at him with wide eyes.
"And he wasn't choking the life out of me, to be honest a little more pressure and I would have came," she giggled.
It was starting to dawn on me that while I thought the sex Claire and I had during our relationship was hot, she probably thought it was too vanilla and boring and that's why she tried to involve Shadow last summer. It was hard to imagine someone so small and innocent looking to talk like a bdsm expert.
"And I wasn't pulling her pants down, I just had my hand on her waist. I was thinking about smelling her ya know, to make sure your scent wasn't lingering there. You bit me!" His voice went from calm explaining to incredulous. "I had to assume you were pulling away from me because of her. I had all types of crazy thoughts. You fought me, after the morning we had-"
"Ok; let's go home and talk. Claire, seriously, don't let him push you around like that," I waved my finger at her as if to say, bad girl!
She snapped her teeth at me and put her hand on her hips. "I'm a big bad werewolf same as you Kai, if I had a problem; I could have tossed him out my window."
"Fair enough," I smiled, imagining it. "See you tonight for the party?"
She bit into her bottom lip as she smiled wide and nodded enthusiastically.
Grabbing Shadow's T-shirt by his shoulder I yanked and pulled him to follow me and let go when he actually did. "Thanks for the foreplay guys!" She called after us.
"Seriously, what's wrong with her?" Shadow whispered to me.
"You better be lucky she's so down, we could have lost our ticket to remain here."
The car ride back home was silent as we both were brooding.

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