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Kai's pov

Stepping out the shower and drying off with Shadow, I felt it was the perfect time to bring up some thing I've had on my mind. These days Shadow seemed to have calmed down slightly, it felt less tense than in the beginning for sure. But an alpha still lived inside of him and it would do none of us favors to forget that. At any moment something could trigger inside of him. My conversation with Marcie was still fresh in my mind and we never even got a chance to hash that whole situation out.

"Before everyone gets here. I want to talk," my words caused him to pause mid dress as he looked at me with an raises eyebrow. His baller shorts hung loose one his hips and nearly distracted me as I stumbled over the rest of my words, "Let's come up with a safe word, when spoken we have to seperate for a full day before coming back levelheaded."
Shadow paused, as if he was thinking over my words and he didn't reply until he shrugged on a black plain T-shirt. I used the moment of silence to throw on blue and white striped baller shorts and a white tee. Shadow sat down at the edge of his bed and beckoned me over.

"What made you think of this?" He finally said as his slender fingers wrapped around my wrist, pulling me even closer as I stood between his legs, looking down at him. Placing my free hand on his warm shoulder, eyes on the water droplets dripping from his still wet hair. My eyes glanced over his and it took my breath a moment at how beautiful he was.
"The new you, the alpha you, scares me sometimes. I can't ever challenge you, you could do anything to me and my wolf would force me to bend over and take it. It's better this way, I'll always feel safe this way. So I want you to agree to this, and really mean it." I added sternly, but it was hard to be so serious as my eyes dropped to his full lips.

"I hate to hear you haven't felt safe but I understand," he stood up suddenly, but held onto my hips before I could move back and kissed my forehead. "What's the safe word?"

I grinned, feeling lighter than ever. "It has to be something I wouldn't normally just say. Hufflepuff?"
"You're such a fucking nerd," he burst out laughing as I smiled at him hitting him playful on the chest.
"Ok, anytime you use that, I'll walk away from you. For twenty four hours exactly. And then we have to talk out what made you want to separate in the first place for such an agonizing long time."
I felt the same. A full day without Shadow? It made me feel lost. But it was needed. We couldn't have a clear head when around each other. This was borderline obsessive toxic relationship if not for us being werewolves, making this a normal omega alpha situation. So we had to work with our wolves here.
I wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head against his shoulder breathing in his scent mixed with the body wash he had used. The same one I was now using since moving in with him.
"Get dressed, we need to go over what we are going to say tonight," he walked over and grabbed a small towel, drying his hair off finally.
"What I'm going to say," I smirked. "Being the alpha and all." He grinned and shook his head, coming over to dry my hair as well. My heart raced as it always did when he was close and doing domesticated stuff for me like this.
"I don't know how this is going to work, but I love it. We're going to make you the first omega wolf pack leader of betas," he looked at me with such a light expression, I wasn't used to seeing him like that.

I rolled my eyes. "Whoa now, it's just a small group and we are only doing this to protect the young ones. And to protect my wolf status as everyone already thinks I'm an alpha. But The alpha is still alpha and one of his family members will be the next in line for this pack: or who knows. Maybe you will be," I joked.

"I don't want anything to do with being this packs leader. Just helping these poor runts who have no choice but to live under this fucked alpha's rule, along with their stuck parents."

"So what are we talking here. Exactly. A take over? Or just damage control?" I talked as we headed downstairs after dressing fully in black sweats over our shorts and a grey pull over hoodie for me and a black jacket for Shadow.
Shadow was silent behind me for a moment before answering. "For now, damage control. We'll start a group chat. With all of us. And anyone who sends and sos message we shift and hunt that person down, make sure they are ok. We can also use it to update each other on any going ons with the adults and alpha and his family. We'll need a secure app. And maybe some code words. Possibly use emojis. We'll have to come up with that. You'll need to ask the group for anyone who specializes in apps and coding see if they can add insight. For the meeting you'll do all the talking. I'll be standing by but it's up to you," he wrapped his arms around my shoulder, pulling me close as he kissed the top of my head. And there my heart was, launching into a rhythm that only Shadow could create.

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