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"Im no chef, but my grilled cheese tomato sauce combo is to die for," I grinned at Henry as I served him lunch. To be honest it was trash, but it was a hot meal and I had heard his stomach growl. So I took it upon myself to play parent.
It had been hours since Shadow left and I had skipped school because Henry had a break down and cried to me about his whoas. It was a tale as old as time. His dad was nice enough he said; until his prescription ran out and it made him irrational. He won't be able to get a refill for a week, Henry explained. And his mom was out of the picture. When I asked what happened to her, Henry clamped down on that story, wouldn't tell me a thing. And I didn't press further. See I knew everyone in the world had their issues, but with wolf packs we were supposed to stick together, the alpha was supposed to be there for others when they came to him with their problems and solve them and come to solutions best for the pack and those in it. At least that's what I always thought. Now I knew he didn't give a rat ass.
I served him a bowl of tomato sauce and grabbed the pan I was cooking the grilled cheese in and a spatula and walked back over to him and flipped the sandwich onto his plate.
"Thanks man, I really appreciate it," he reached out and grabbed my arm, giving it a quick squeeze and just as he took it away the front door slammed.
"What the fuck," Shadow huffed, angrily, standing before us so quickly I nearly dropped the hot pan in shock.
My stomach dropped at the look on his face. Uh oh. Maybe Henry was better off with his face punching dad, because the look Shadow was giving him was promising death. I knew the wild look in his eyes and I knew he wasn't processing the fact that I told him someone was coming to stay or the fact that the poor kid had two black eyes. Or that he was about to crack open our secret.
No, the animal inside was controlling his brain function at the moment.
I felt a tightness under my skin and I just knew, Shadow was going to force me to submit. Right here, with a pack member watching and it wasn't going to be pretty.No more playing alpha for me.
"Kai," Shadow was beside me in a flash, I placed the pan down on the table as he gripped the back of my neck.
I did the only thing I could think of. "Hufflepuff," I snarled out as best as I could when what I really wanted to to give into my weak and shaky knees and fall to the ground at his feet. I just hoped it helped and that Shadow even remembered what it meant.

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