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I woke up with a curse on my lips. Fucking Shadow. This was all my fault. Ok not all, but some what. Because I should have been more on top of Shadow with his behavior the way that it was. Of course the blood lust was going to his head. I should have known he needed someone to talk to the moment he had to kill that first set of wolves and then acted like nothing was wrong. I failed him. He took care of me through my pain, and I didn't even pay attention to him enough to see the signs.
If it was me, I would have been broken up inside from taking a life. Any normal person would be. But of course instead of talking it out Shadow was spiraling. Because what the fuck.
Maybe this was Shadows cry for help.
I rolled out of bed, stumbling. Fuck, I had to shake this before he got back. As I got to the stairs, I immediately slipped. But luckily whatever drug Shadow gave me kicked in just in time or maybe I hit my head, but I woke up at the bottom of the stairs with a headache and bruised side. And a wave of nausea hitting me.
"I got a phone call." Came a familiar voice.
"Sunshine?" My head flopped back to see the front door open with Shadow's sister and two women behind her. Or was it four? I felt as if she were talking underwater when she said, "your mom is worried. Hasn't seen you in weeks. You're lucky she had my number from when I used to check up on Shadow."
Fuck yes mom.
My eye lids felt heavy and started to slide closed as I fought to keep them open, knowing damn well once they closed, I was out like a light.
"Get me out of here," I managed. Or hoped I managed to say. Maybe I just thought it. But I hoped she listened and didn't decide to stay and fight with Shadow. Regardless of everything, I didn't want him hurt. Or killed by her.
Anyone who wanted a piece of Shadow would have to take a number and get in line because I was going to kick his ass. And now that he's done this, all was fair in love and war.

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