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"Ash may have found something," I informed Shadow. "But he won't be back for weeks."
"Ok, so the Claire smell issue is solved?" He looked relieved as he he pulled me close to him. I groaned and moved away, pretending to be put out when he ruffled my hair before letting me go.
"He said it's only for young omegas. And he isn't sure how long it will last for. Each omega is different. He said I could start smelling up the place by next month."
"Good, now you're mine forreal . And only mine. No more sharing," he added a deep growl to his tone that sent a shiver down my spine. And to my dick apparently.
"You don't know that for sure, what if-"
"No more." He glared, standing up so fast even my were eyes had trouble tracking his movements as he stood before me.
"We have to get to school," I blurted out as an excuse to escape his intense look as I turned away.
He wrapped his arms around me from behind, inhaling my scent from my neck.
"You're not going. Until Ash gets back."
"Wha-" I spun around in his arms, eyes flicking up to his face.
"You smell-"
I hit him automatically as he said that. He raised an eyebrow. "Well you do. Like omega."
"I'm calling Ash. He needs to speed up his trip. I can't miss school for weeks."
"It's not a strong smell. I could barley catch a whiff at that. But it's still peaking out. If it becomes even slightly stronger, you'll be found out. All it takes is a young wolf who is familiar with the smell."
I nodded and gave a huge sigh and that's how I had to watch Shadow get dressed for a school and leave me behind. Immediately I started playing video games to distract myself from overthinking. The walls already felt as if they were closing in on me. Would Shadows home become my prison of sorts? How could I live cooped up for weeks until Ash came around. And what if whatever he had didn't work?

It was mid afternoon time when my phone alerted me to a text.
It was the group text.
Stuck. Need a change of clothes.
The text came from a young wolf named Forrest.
The next text came in was his pinned location.
Before I could think or reply, Shadow called.
"How's your day babe?" His words caused my heart to jump.
"Fine," I sounded annoyed but couldn't help it. I hated feeling like I had to hide away because of who I was.
"Forrest is closest to you, and since you're already skipping school-"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm already grabbing clothes now."
"Some human kid came in today, it was as if he had a shower in body axe."
My face twisted in disgust, "ok?"
"I realized maybe that's our solution. All the weres immediately covered their noses and headed another way. There's no way anyone would be able to sniff you out if we spray you down every morning."
My stomach rolled at the thought. But it was true, anytime someone overdid the body axe or even just a normal amount it felt like inhaling fried my nose hairs and stuck inside my nose unable to shake it until I ran to fresh air. "Hello headache central," I hadn't realized I said that part out loud until Shadow answered.
"I know," he sounded pained himself. "But it will have to do for now. Drop off Forrest's clothes and grab body axe. Tomorrow we will give it a try."
"Ok, on it."
"Oh and don't give him any of your clothes. Just a plain set of T-shirt shorts will-" I hung up. I didn't need him to micromanage. But texted him. "Love you, have a good day :)"
😒 love you too. Text me when you get home.
With a smile, I grabbed the plain T-shirt and shorts and headed out. A ding on my phone alerted me to a notification. Shadow sent money through Apple Pay. Enough to buy several bottles of body axe. Overkill.
I texted Forrest my eta as I jumped into my jeep.
When I got to him, he was in a crowded mall, hiding in a bathroom stall.
"Here, good luck," I threw the clothes over the stall and started to walk out.
"Aren't you curious how I -"
I cut him off. "No answers needed. I'm not your owner. I'm just here to help man." He came out the stall looked relieved, wearing Shadows lounge clothes.
"Thanks man," he reached out and grabbed my forearm. "I mean it. What you're doing," he stepped back shaking his head, his brown sun highlighted hair fell into his brown eyes. "I appreciate it." And then he was rushing out. Possibly to get to school like I should be at. Or maybe he was a skipper. Not many wolves skipped school. If found out we were being delinquent in our studies, the alpha could step in and punish.
Which reminded me of what I had to buy. And I was already at the shops.

When Shadow got home, he was bombarded with a surprise.
"No, why," he groaned stepping back holding his nose.
I glared, "well I had to try it out. And it's not fair, the smell is going to cling to me all day. How do you think I feel?"
He gave me a pained looked as he inched closer, his eyes watering. "You sprayed too much."
"Well how am I supposed to know the perfect amount? Maybe if you had stayed home with me..." I trailed off, forging a hurt look.
Shadow dropped his arms and immediately stood in front of me with his stupid speed he somehow picked up. Was it from being an alpha? He never used to move so fast.
"You're right. We are in this together and I abandoned you today. I'm sorry, it won't happen again," he grabbed my hands in his and kissed my knuckles. I couldn't help the grin spreading across my face. Quickly looking into his eyes and then dropping my gaze to his lips, I went for it. Kissing him as if he had been gone for longer than just a few hours.
He pulled back after a minute with a pained look on his face. "How about we have shower sex?"
I laughed knowing he wanted the axe smell gone.
"I've already had, the smells really clings to the air and skin."
"We'll find something else."
"It is a good idea that way though," I gave him props. "Our noses are sensitive, we can work with that. Maybe I should stuff my nose somehow so it won't bother me."
His hands slid around me as he pressed in close. "We'll figure it out. For now, I can't wait," he dove in and started kissing me ferociously, pushing his thick thigh in between my legs, pressing so close I had to cling to him to avoid falling over.

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