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As I rushed back towards the house, I hoped Kai wasn't waiting there for me to get back, to kill me. He was sure to be pissed; what I gave him should have him out for a while.

Stopping at a red light, I hissed in frustration as I had to come to a dead stop. Scanning the dark, I saw no other cars, and was about to just run the light when my ears picked up a strange noise before a loud pop! Rang out and my windows shattered, glass flying everywhere, I barley had time to cover my face. I felt the stinging bite of shards piercing my skin.
"What the-" I was about to floor the gas when my side of the door was ripped off, metal screeching and claws yanking me out.
"Got you now," Kai's dad smirked at me. The fucker was enjoying this.
"No," I hissed. Not now. I was so close to getting back to Kai. "Kai," I growled as strong arms all around grabbed at me.
"Don't you worry about him. My people are on the way to your little love nest, he'll be in good hands now," the son of a bitch snarled in my face.
"I'll kill anyone who-" what felt like a boulder hit me from the side or behind I couldn't tell. All I knew was pain as light burst behind my eyes and then everything went black.

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