Chapter 19

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Delhi Federal Court

Shyam Trial

"Bring in the criminal." The judge spoke, just then a confused Shyam was dragged out and sent into the box. He was confused because of his environment. What the hell was he doing here.

"Today it's the assign date for the trial of Shyam Jha, this hearing couldn't be delayed further due to lives who would be endangered." The prosecutor spoke.

"The number of crimes he had committed, a life sentence wouldn't be enough for his punishment."

"My honor, please give me the go ahead to proceed." He asked and was given the chance.

"Shyam Jha you completed law school in Delhi right?" The prosecutor asked.

"Of course!" He said with an angry tone  and the prosecutor smiled.

"You never attended law school nor did you graduate from law school, you went to college, you are a college dropout and here it's the fake certificate you claim you have." He threw the papers on his face, Shyam quickly took it and what he saw made him looked horrified.

"First offence, fake license. You had a fake license claiming you were a lawyer but you used it to scum innocent ones. Don't you Know the innocent man you sent to prison because of a murderer." He continued, Shyam felt like peeing.

"You tampered with the evidence and murdered those innocent witnesses, you killed an innocent teen all because of your deeds. In addition to all, you stole money from community fund and blamed it on someone innocent. You raped innocent teen who refused to be trafficked by you, you kill any that comes your way." He added.

"Mr Jha here committed ten crimes your honor, fake license, child trafficking, fake documents of murderer of ACP Dave, hit and run, Murderer of a lot of innocent lives, rape and tampering of evidence. Your honor I would like Mr Jha to deny all this accusations if he is  innocent." He said and Shyam smiled evilly.

"Your honor, am innocent. Everything they said about me it's not true your honor." He spoke faking fear and the prosecutor laughed.

"This! Are all the evidences your honor." He presented everything.

"We would resume after few minutes." The judge spoke.

Shyam was confused and fearful, how did all this happened within a few days.

Trial Resumed

"All evidences are against Mr Jha, we do have your confession, videos, your crimes you committed and still committing." The judge spoke and Shyam was now doomed.

"According to law, if you take a life  of a person your life should also be taken and here's the case you took a lot of innocent lives that alone must deny you from living." He said authoritative and Shyam started peeing.

"With the decision made by myself and the house, I here by sentence Mr Shyam Jha to death by firing squad with no mercy in three days." He finished.

"Court rise." The judge left and Shyam was arrested again. He couldn't believe he was to die in three days, THREE DAYS!!!

He was sent back to prison but isolated from others, alone and farway. He was devastated because he wasn't allowed to call anyone or receive any visitors. He needed to speak with sheetal agently.


"Shyam you have a visitor." The guard spoke rudely, Shyam wondered if it was Sheetal but to his surprise or would I say to his end it was ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE AND HOW DID YOU GET IN." He fumed and Arnav shrugged.

"I came to give my ex best friend condolences on his journey to hell." He smirked and it irked Shyam.

"I get it now. You are the master mind behind everything." He said angrily and Arnav laughed.

"You are smart, your brain isn't dead yet. I came to say my final good bye and see how it feels." He teased and Shyam got up to hit him but he had forgotten he had cuffs.

"Easy! You have cuffs." Arnav giggled and he fumed.

"How could you do this to me, how can you take everything away from me." Shyam screamed

"Tssk! Dear friend or would I say fake friend! How does it feel when everything  it's taken away from you, it's sweet like sugar right! Mmmmm! Delicious." He laughed and Shyam frowned.

"Why? Remembered what you told me." Arnav smirked.


"Shyam please don't do this to me. Okay let's make a deal, I would forget about you cheating with sheetal and we would be good please." Arnav knelt down and begged but Shyam pushed him down.

"Arnav please let's go from here." Aman pleaded. But Arnav still crawled to sheetal.

"Baby I still love you and we have Maya to care for , please baby. Shyam please." Arnav pleaded and Shyam smirked.

"Ohh please save your tears." He got irked.

"Shyam you are my best friend how could you do this to me." Arnav asked pleading.

"Tskk! Dear friend or would say fake friend, how does it feel when everything it's taken away from you! It sweet like sugar right! Mmmmm ! Delicious." He smirked seeing a devastated Arnav

End  of Flashback

"I would never forgive you  for what you did to Sakshi maaa Shyam, you and all your cunning people in shash Mahal would pay for every crime you committed, it's your turn and gradually theirs would definitely reach them just like how it reached you." He smirked and left.

"ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA!!! I HATE YOU!!!!" He screamed.

"Hey stop it, it's  time." The guard said and dragged him out he was horrified.

Everything was prepared for his death, his hands and legs were tied , he wasn't blind folded, he was about to watch his death.

"Say your last prayer." The priest said

"Fuck ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA." He screamed and the priest cringed.

He was shot on his two legs, they waited for 15 minutes, shot his shoulders waited this continued till they finished him, his body was burnt at that moment.

Few minutes later

Raizada Mansion

"That's the end of the bastard." Khushi spoke and Arnav nodded.

"If not because of Aman, Nk and Akash help we wouldn't have reached this far." Arnav spoke

"Says the one who was angry because Aman ruined our wedding night." She teased.

Flashback, Arshi Wedding Night.

End of Chapter

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