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I don't understand what I have been feeling lately but what I don't need right now is to fall for Kim. When I was informed I was going to marry her plus when I saw her that day we went to her house,I swore that I would hate her until I get a window of opportunity and then I would divorce her and find the woman of my dreams,get married and settle down but there is something about her that just draws me to her and it kills me every time I hurt her and she hurts. This is something new to me and I have never been vulnerable but with her and that level of innocence and kindness makes me feel vulnerable in ways that I can't understand.

That night that she sneaked out to go meet that guy, something in me snapped and I just wanted to drive and find them, beat him to a pulp and take her hand and bring her home and lock her up where she wouldn't have any contact with any man apart from me. When I came home to find to find her in the arms of Mariano all I was thinking of was to drag her out of those arms, pull her to me and kiss her senseless to show those three that she is mine and nobody can have her but I thought otherwise and decided to watch the 'show' they were putting on. I hanged out with the guys but I warned them about getting close to my wife and by your guess those three fools I call best friends figured out that I have feelings for her and they didn't let me that easy because they were all up in my business asking me when it happened and making fun of me but after four good hours of torture and they were on there way out, Mariano looked towards my bedroom window and I found her smiling and waving to him and she looked so genuinely happy and that look she was giving him, she will never give me that because to her I will always be the one who is breaking what is left of her and for once I just wanted to be selfish and be in her arms and get some of that affection that she gives and that is why I called her to my office.

It just took her smell to know she was right outside that door and when she came in that smell of hers intoxicated me in and all I wanted to do was take her against my desk and show her she's mine and so I went close to her but on my first step,I looked into her eyes and I could see the fear she has towards me but I didn't want to hesitate mostly because the amount of whiskey in my system didn't allow me to filter my emotions well so when she gripped the door handle to run outside, I immediately shut it and pinned her against the door and when I looked into those eyes, I could see she was trying to figure out what I was thinking and I looked at those luscious pink lips and all I wanted was to taste them and bit that lip she bites whenever she is nervous or is thinking pretty hard.

She doesn't know but whenever she isn't looking am always observing her and she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,she might not be curvy the way I always wanted my woman to be but she is sexy in her own way and more to that she is an exception since she is sincere,kind and innocent, qualities that she has taught me to appreciate. I have spent countless hours each and every day since I saw her trying to convince myself that she can never be it for me but sneakily,she did it finally. The one thing that I can't do is touch her knowing full well that I used this same hands to caress another woman and used this lips of mine to kiss Vanessa. She deserves more than this and that's why I controlled myself enough but it sure wasn't easy and warned her against being with anyone else because I am sure that it would be very hard for me to control myself the next time and so I left. I needed to stop whatever this is I have with Vanessa and finally understand what I feel for Kimberly. She is fragile and now because of my stupidity and ego, I broke her even more and I am still breaking her and it kills me to know that she might just reach her breaking point and I will loose her forever.

I called her house and asked that her companion be sent over to my mansion to continue being and taking care of her because I know she gets lonely being all alone in that huge mansion without anyone to talk to. It would also be wise for me to stay away from her until I can figure out things,so the first thing I did when I came back home was to ask Jenny one of the house keepers was to move my stuff to the bedroom where Vanessa and I usually meet up and then the next morning I fired Vanessa. All I know is that I need her in my life and I will not let anything or anybody take her from me. I will fight every huddle to make myself worthy of her and make her feel proud of the love I have for her,if that is exactly what I feel but all I know is that I will fix everything and give everything that was taken away from her when she decided to lock herself up  and make her future better and whoever tries to hurt her will have to go through me.

The one thing I didn't realize was, I was the root of all her troubles since the beginning and I still continue to ruin every good thing in her life and what she didn't know was, by loving me she was dooming herself to more troubles and pain but it just seems like pain and sorrows is the only thing that makes our destinies merge and keep us together but maybe just maybe together we can change that.

The one thing I didn't realize was, I was the root of all her troubles since the beginning and I still continue to ruin every good thing in her life and what she didn't know was, by loving me she was dooming herself to more troubles and pain but i...

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(The room that Alexander moved to).

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